well i been thinking about coming back here, am also no longer in wopr becuase i quit them, and i can tell you what wopr doesent have in my eyes they have nothing but lies, kr has everything and what i relized. what mattered in this clan is that family never betrays eachother and i had made a horridble mistake of doing that....so i want start again becuase i missed being in KR it was my heart my enjoyment i missed the people that always tried to help me ....and i just dont know how to return that act to them i really wish i could but please i miss playing on server with kr and i want to talk to those who were hurt badly becuase of me so i kindly ask to be unban i have learned my mistakes the hard why and i accpeted what had happened in the past and am more then willing to move on and stick to this clan.
sometimes....time is only a small speck in the darkness of evil. - darth raison