If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #119905  by Water
I will be leaving KR, here recently I have been causing trouble on the JAWA server to some of the people who used to crash our server constantly, inlcuding binny, (ex: when i see them lame, i kill them, defending people by insulting them, killing them straight up out of no where when they threaten servers) I want KR to have nothing to do with me killing these guys for fun and talking crap to them etc., You guys deserve the truth and thats what it is.

Farewell guys :D.
 #119906  by Sakito
No water don't leave me my Padawan!!!!!!! D: it's sad to see you go!!!!!!!
 #119908  by Zaluk
An apology to DarthRage would have been nice :/ Farewell I hope to see you on the server sometime
 #119909  by jawfin
I hear where you're coming from Water. I understand the feeling of getting back at them, and in fact I think of everyone I am the most entitled to feel that. I just felt myself a little better though, in that I haven't posted their real names, addresses, phone numbers, place of work, etc! As you also know they are not welcome on KR, in fact, to them KR is a non-entity. So, as KR is nothing to them, they are less than nothing to us. As we don't just feed the trolls, we don't even recognise they even exist. That is the KR way! Mind you, if they had their own server, we'd probably declare war on it just for the fun of it. We'll find someone to continue training Darth Rage, even if I do it myself!

Keep well old buddy, and try not to get banned on other servers hehe!
 #119915  by Mandalorian
If you believe killing those who are of no harm to us physically is more important than staying here with us, then do as you believe. (That came out bad didn't it? I do not want to bash you or anything) Water, you have always been a good friend of mine, and you are always welcome back to the server, as a guest, and as a friend.
 #119919  by Key
good luck to you, H20
 #119923  by Tidus
First wind, now water?! Don't tell me heart is next D:

Ill miss you my little cup of water
 #119926  by MrNebula117
Always sad to see the leaves box light up. Take care sir, good luck!
 #119927  by Lothar
Cya buddy.
 #119931  by Jato
Tidus wrote:First wind, now water?! Don't tell me heart is next D:
Nah im still here

 #119934  by Clank
have a good one!
 #119935  by Fallen
A shame to see you go, we never officially met but I would hate to see you go. Take care and keep on falling.
 #119939  by Uscari
Water people make mistakes, its not too late to just recognize that it isn't worth it to dish aggressive actions at the people who wronged us. That doesen't mean you should go I mean come on. KR is more than how well you can stand back and hold yourself from stooping to their level, its how well you can learn from that and how well you can forgive people for doing it :)

I'm not saying goodbye because we all really know with tags or without, your gonna be a part of us for a long time. With that all I say is good luck with whatever your endeavors may be.
 #119951  by Water
Its NBD, Its not as big as you think it to be, I rarely come on anyways, I Just don't want my actions to cause problems for KR, Recently Ive been causing trouble, not by choice but by reaction against the guys who crash peoples servers for fun.
 #119982  by Aventador
Good luck with things
 #120011  by RVCA
You should stick around. I doubt anyone would make any fuss over griefing these trolls. It's actually a great service to the community.
 #120049  by Kris
awwwwwwwww water please dont leave
 #120074  by Water
RVCA wrote:You should stick around. I doubt anyone would make any fuss over griefing these trolls. It's actually a great service to the community.

It really sucks because, people on JAWA Or admins allow these guys to cause trouble with no punishment in fear of getting their server crashed, kinda like giving into their demands, due to not being able to do anything about it. Its kinda sad, i feel like people should be allowed to attack these kids back with no punishment, its not fair that the guys being given the right to do this stuff can lame you but if you attack back, you get the full punishment. It makes me sad people give into these people, I straight up dumpster them if they even look at me wrong lol.
 #120077  by Fraea
Water wrote: I straight up dumpster them if they even look at me wrong lol.
aaatta boy. lol sad to see you go, stop by every once in a while to say hello!!!
 #120132  by Kris
Nooooo. Dont leave D:
 #120140  by Mandalorian
Kris wrote:Nooooo. Dont leave D:
Got something in your eye, just there.
 #120196  by Tricky
i appreciate all that you taught me with single, bud. if you ever need a sub for a match, hunt me down. hope to see you around once 'n a while.
 #120340  by Mechathulhu
Just wanted to say that for the time that I had you as a master I appreciated your willingness to train me at the start. Even if we weren't the best at finding time for training together I appreciate the sentiment. Good luck, Water.