The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #118650  by Falcon
The KR clan has voted snowplower into the clan and also given Chaostrain his tags back!!

Guys, please check your PM box and --->this here<--- when you get a chance :)

Welcome welcome welcome!

 #118654  by Tidus

 #118657  by Akimoto
Oh, long time no see/chat/play

 #118659  by Key
welcome [back] guys!

 #118663  by Sakito
Welcome snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =^_^=
And welcome back Chao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =^_^=

 #118668  by Zaluk
Welcome! :D

 #118669  by Jato
congrats guys!

 #118670  by Chaostrain
Thanks everyone! Glad to be back.

 #118679  by SilentOne
Congrats snow and glad to see you come back chaos

 #118682  by Aventador
Congrats and Welcome Back :)

 #118699  by Uscari
Congratulations, both of you :)

 #118707  by Fraea
congrats to both of you!!

 #118713  by Jammer
Congratz both of you! :D

 #118729  by LumberWolf
Hi/Welcome (x2)

 #118743  by Jawa
Congrats you two!

 #118751  by snowplower
thanks for all the votes guys!


 #118752  by John
Welcome back/Welcome to KR!

 #118753  by MasterM
Hey guys, congrats and welcome (back)

 #118769  by Alduin
Congratz and welcome!

 #118903  by Lothar
Welcome back :-) and here.