Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #118345  by Jato
You are making great strides but much to learn you still has...

especially to be on this level ^^

 #118347  by Fraea

 #118348  by Sakito
XD congratz Ald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=^_^=

 #118358  by Uscari
Lol congratz bud :)

 #118362  by Raison
congarts dragon!

 #118368  by Alduin
:o Thanks Guys! and Thank you Jato

 #118375  by Jammer
Jawfin wrote:And you managed that even with the crippling disadvantage of having Jato as your master, I'm impressed!!
lol. GJ man keep up the good work.