Yep, I have interesting stuff to give away. And by stuff, I mean one thing.
So a few might know that little while ago Extra Life put on this huge marathon of gaming to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network (aka, the kids). In so doing, some awesome people in the group called KBMOD were putting on a 24 hour+ live stream and accepting donations through that.
Well, it just so happens that with my one donation during that stream, I am now in possession of an Origin key for Mirror's Edge. So, if you want Mirror's Edge for teh PCs and are the first one to post on here, then I'll send you the key! Cool, right? I know. So who wants it?
So a few might know that little while ago Extra Life put on this huge marathon of gaming to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network (aka, the kids). In so doing, some awesome people in the group called KBMOD were putting on a 24 hour+ live stream and accepting donations through that.
Well, it just so happens that with my one donation during that stream, I am now in possession of an Origin key for Mirror's Edge. So, if you want Mirror's Edge for teh PCs and are the first one to post on here, then I'll send you the key! Cool, right? I know. So who wants it?