The burrito named Beefy.
Written by Tidu§
Hello there. My name is Beefy... And here, is my story...
7:57 P.M
"Hello welcome to Taco Bell, would you like to try..." Ashley, the drive through lady was interrupted immediately by owner.
"No, I don't actually. But I would like three beefy five layer burritos, a deal one and a Mt. Dew Bahablast." He demanded
"Uh. okay. That would be $7.26. Please pull to the second window."
Owner pulled up to the window with drool dripping from his mouth from the smell of my brothern, cooking, waiting to be wrapped in their death wrap. The exchange was made. My brother and sister, Beef and Beefette, were selected first. Along with my cousin, Chicken, and his cheesy wife, Dorito. I was in relief.
"I only got two, I ordered three..."Owner announced to Ashley.
"Oh I am sorry, let me get you another." She replied.
That is when it all began....
We were all in the same bag, staying quiet. Wondering what was going on. We had no clue where we were going, or how long we would be traveling in their machine. All we heard were mumbles between the driver and what seemed to be his lady. This was a nightmare. What would they do to us? Where were we going? Why us? Why me...?
8:10 P.M
We arrived at the house of the owner and his lady. Owner had 2 beast living there with them. They were big, hairy, loud creatures. We were terrified as we got placed on a very tall table.
"Do you think we are free?" Beefette asked.
"I hate to be the one to tell you, Beefette, but I think this might be the end" Beef answered.
" I CANT SEE ANYTHING!" Dorito mumbled.
"We will be okay everyone. I will find a..." I started.
"Here babe, I think this one is yours" Owner said, to his lady.
"Thanks, come eat with me" She replied
Both, my brother and cousin were taken. Shortly after, so was my sister and Dorito. I was alone. Trapped in the bag without a clue of what was happening to them.
8:25 P.M
Time has gone on, no word from my family. The bag I was in got picked up by owner. I heard a door open, and a very cold breeze came out. I was placed what seemed to be a shelf in this cold room. It got dark when the door was shut. I didn't know what to do, so I laid there and tried to rest my tortilla.
2:35 A.M
More time has passed. I have heard a lot of weird noises coming from outside of my bag, like other foods have been communicating. I stayed quiet. I also could hear what sounded like owner shuffling around and left his house.
12:30 P.M
I awoke to the sound of the door being opened. Owner was home. I heard his beast, howling as he shuffled around to contain them. Suddenly, the light came on in the cold room I have been laying in. I got picked up, and tossed into another room. This one made beeping noises. It got extremely hot. He was cooking me. I knew this was the end for sure now. He took me out of my wrap, and stared at me. Drooling. And this is when it happened.. He opened his mouth, pulled my closer to the dark cave of death. And did it.
R.I.P Beefy
10/10/2013 - 10/11/2013
You were delicious.

Written by Tidu§
Hello there. My name is Beefy... And here, is my story...
7:57 P.M
"Hello welcome to Taco Bell, would you like to try..." Ashley, the drive through lady was interrupted immediately by owner.
"No, I don't actually. But I would like three beefy five layer burritos, a deal one and a Mt. Dew Bahablast." He demanded
"Uh. okay. That would be $7.26. Please pull to the second window."
Owner pulled up to the window with drool dripping from his mouth from the smell of my brothern, cooking, waiting to be wrapped in their death wrap. The exchange was made. My brother and sister, Beef and Beefette, were selected first. Along with my cousin, Chicken, and his cheesy wife, Dorito. I was in relief.
"I only got two, I ordered three..."Owner announced to Ashley.
"Oh I am sorry, let me get you another." She replied.
That is when it all began....
We were all in the same bag, staying quiet. Wondering what was going on. We had no clue where we were going, or how long we would be traveling in their machine. All we heard were mumbles between the driver and what seemed to be his lady. This was a nightmare. What would they do to us? Where were we going? Why us? Why me...?
8:10 P.M
We arrived at the house of the owner and his lady. Owner had 2 beast living there with them. They were big, hairy, loud creatures. We were terrified as we got placed on a very tall table.
"Do you think we are free?" Beefette asked.
"I hate to be the one to tell you, Beefette, but I think this might be the end" Beef answered.
" I CANT SEE ANYTHING!" Dorito mumbled.
"We will be okay everyone. I will find a..." I started.
"Here babe, I think this one is yours" Owner said, to his lady.
"Thanks, come eat with me" She replied
Both, my brother and cousin were taken. Shortly after, so was my sister and Dorito. I was alone. Trapped in the bag without a clue of what was happening to them.
8:25 P.M
Time has gone on, no word from my family. The bag I was in got picked up by owner. I heard a door open, and a very cold breeze came out. I was placed what seemed to be a shelf in this cold room. It got dark when the door was shut. I didn't know what to do, so I laid there and tried to rest my tortilla.
2:35 A.M
More time has passed. I have heard a lot of weird noises coming from outside of my bag, like other foods have been communicating. I stayed quiet. I also could hear what sounded like owner shuffling around and left his house.
12:30 P.M
I awoke to the sound of the door being opened. Owner was home. I heard his beast, howling as he shuffled around to contain them. Suddenly, the light came on in the cold room I have been laying in. I got picked up, and tossed into another room. This one made beeping noises. It got extremely hot. He was cooking me. I knew this was the end for sure now. He took me out of my wrap, and stared at me. Drooling. And this is when it happened.. He opened his mouth, pulled my closer to the dark cave of death. And did it.
R.I.P Beefy
10/10/2013 - 10/11/2013
You were delicious.

Jawfin wrote:From then on I've kept the yellow out of respect to Tidus.