Who's at what rank?
 #112713  by AeolusGrey
I have decided to have Fraea as a master she was recommended by some other clan members.

 #112714  by Fraea
i have decided to accept. =] lookin forward to it as soon as it gets approved we can start your training.

 #112716  by Tricky
muy bien

 #112777  by MasterM
good luck you guys

 #112778  by Sakito
Best of luck if approved =^_^=

 #112782  by TheDoctor
good luck if approved

 #112785  by Uscari
Good luck u2

 #112807  by Jato
\o/ More grand-padawns!

 #112810  by Fraea
lol j2. <3

 #112834  by deathscyth
best of luck

 #112883  by Fraea
thanks finnie. the opportunity to make someone better would be my privilege and I am looking forward to it =]

 #112885  by Rugg
Have fun you two!

 #112901  by Jawa
Have fun guys :>

 #113448  by Clank
best of luck