The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #111330  by Fazz
Yes the KR clan has voted Phil into the clan!

Phil, please check your PM box and this when you get a chance :)

Everyone please welcome our newest member!

 #111333  by Sakito
Congratz Phil :D and welcome :)

 #111334  by Jawa
Your perseverance finally paid off Phil proud of you. Welcome to the family! :)

 #111336  by Tidus
About time Philly cheese steak -.-

 #111339  by Falcon

Welcome :)

 #111340  by Key
grats, Phil :) welcome.

 #111341  by Skull290
welcome philly willy :P

 #111342  by Jato
Welcome Phil!!

 #111343  by MasterM
congrats! welcome

 #111347  by John
Welcome to the party!

 #111349  by Raison
awesome man I knew you would make it in this time

 #111350  by Sentreth
Nice! Glad to see you made it!

 #111352  by Clank
congrats! and welcome to the family

 #111355  by AJ

 #111357  by Mandalorian

 #111362  by Tricky

 #111365  by Aventador
Congrats! :)

 #111375  by Creed
Good Job!!

 #111380  by Uscari
Woot! I just got connected to the internet in the new house only to find a pm named 'Welcome' :D. I wanna thank every1 for sticking through with me and trusting me to make well on my applications and to join the ranks of respected members in this most prestigous clan xD :)

 #111391  by Jawa
Glad you got your internet up and running wb Phil ^^

 #111394  by Akimoto

 #111414  by Yomi Sho-Ryu-Ken
Welcome Phil. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)

 #111459  by Uscari
Thx again guys, but i just found out my internet provider has terrible range connection and my ping on the server has sky-rocketed! D:, but dont worry ill figure something out.