Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #111358  by Sakito
I hereby promote Water to adept. I been so busy with family stuff that I lost track of the time to promote him. Water, can't make an ocean without it XD

 #111359  by Sentreth
Keep it up water!

 #111363  by Clank

 #111364  by Water

 #111367  by Jawa
woo way to go Water

 #111371  by Aventador

 #111372  by jawfin

To adept I hereby promote water. To promote him I been so busy with family stuff that I lost track of the time. Water, make an ocean without it, cannot. Yeesssssss.


 #111373  by Sakito
Jawfin wrote:http://www.yodaspeak.co.uk/index.php

To adept I hereby promote water. To promote him I been so busy with family stuff that I lost track of the time. Water, make an ocean without it, cannot. Yeesssssss.

I'm keeping that link xD

 #111374  by Jawa
lol Jaw that site will entertain me for hours :P

 #111559  by Water
Do i get to stay jedi as my forum rank? :D