Who's at what rank?
 #108432  by Skull290
I love using duels so if anyone is interested give me a shout :D

 #108443  by Yomi Sho-Ryu-Ken
I'll take him if no one will. I need a Dual Pada :P

 #108446  by Jato
Well as you are a knight yomi you're obv get first pick :P

 #108460  by Midgetathlete
Im also available :D Skull could learn the ancient secret of How To Midget :D but the choice is yours, Skull

 #108461  by Jato
how to dwarf*

 #108465  by Midgetathlete
...I'm going to wring your neck, Jaot

 #108467  by Jato
Keep dreamimg dwarf :p

 #108468  by Gollum
Back on topic guys.

 #108469  by Jato
Back on gollum topic

 #108470  by Skull290
if anything i like to have yomi as my master in duels sorry Midgetathlete :(

 #108471  by Jato
Gl you two!

 #108472  by Midgetathlete
Its all good, Skull, Yomi is a fine Dual saberist, you'll learn much from him :P good luck to the both of you

 #108473  by Mandalorian
What about me? I can be a good duals mast- oh wait... I see my flaw..........yomi already got ya.

lol jk. Gl.

 #108474  by Gollum
Have fun you two!

 #108475  by LumberWolf
GL you two!

 #108484  by Sakito
gl you 2 if it gets approved :P

 #108530  by Uscari
Good luck, but seriously, Im doomed if skull recieves even MORE TRAINING!!!

 #108670  by Fazz