Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #108374  by Falcon
Yes it was a nail-biter and had us all on the edge of our seats, but Clank has passed his Master trial :)

Status: Passed

Master Trial for Clank

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Key

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Falcon)
2. Lost --(Key)
3. Lost --(Falcon)
4. Won --(Key)
5. Lost --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Key)
7. Won --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Key)
9. Won --(Falcon)
10. Lost --(Key)

2 vs 1:

1. Lost
2. Lost
3. Lost
4. Won
5. Won

Final result: Won 6 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 2 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Clank, you've come a long way from being that one regular visitor who wanted to know anything and everything from how our clan functions to our history. You've definitely impressed us all with your saber talent and more importantly, your aptitude for being a leader. Congratulations :)

~Ranks, rosters, tree, permissions updated~

 #108375  by Tricky
huzzah! epic finish to your trial! congrats. you've earned it.

 #108376  by John

 #108377  by Gollum
Congrats Clank!

 #108386  by Goddess

 #108390  by MasterM

 #108395  by Jato
congrats man!

 #108398  by Fazz
Well Done Clank :)

 #108400  by Sakito
Awesome Clank, Congratz! (:

 #108401  by Clank
Thank you guys :D
i rly dont know what to say >_<
this was rly surprising for me...at first i decided to do it just see how hard it was but after a while i told to myself that i could do it! and at the end the last fight wich was 2v1 wich was a must win


i just cant describe the feeling i had as soon as i passed everyone congratulating...man the happiness
thank you again im honored to have this title and call you all my friends,my companions, my brothers and sisters
i hope i wont fail you guys
oh and long live KR!!!

 #108404  by Necros
Congrats Clank :>

 #108407  by Mandalorian

lol jk


 #108410  by Key
congratulations alex.... magnificent job. You've earned this position.

 #108412  by Aventador
congrats :D

 #108415  by Turtle

 #108417  by LumberWolf
I hate to say I told you so, Alex..... Ahhh, who am I kidding, no I don't!!!

I told you so!

Good job man, you totally deserve it!

 #108434  by Jammer
Congratz Clank way to go :D

 #108451  by donykerio
Congrats :)

 #108454  by TacSmart
Great job Great Grandpa! lol Awesome job, congrats!

 #108459  by Clank
thanks again guys

@Tac: noU!

 #108466  by Lothar
Well done clank.

 #108487  by Sentreth
Lets play nasty!

 #108520  by Uscari
Lol great job man

 #108818  by Typhlosion
well done alex :)