Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #107004  by MasterM
always loved the boss music in final fantasy games lol

I've always liked normal band music (i.e. Bruce Springsteen) better than most everything else, but sometimes it is good to step back and listen to instrumental symphonic stuff because it can bring so much power

 #107015  by Mandalorian

 #107019  by Clank
i like two steps from hell i found out about it like a year ago

 #107030  by LumberWolf
2 steps from hell. Epica. Nightwish is also fun. Agree with Nero, lindsey sterling, hadouken.... Those are the ones I could think of anyway

 #107041  by BadWolf
Oh my gawd yes!

I love Immediate Music, Two Steps from Hell and others, awesome music!

 #107089  by LumberWolf
that's just the video, the actual track doesn't have that intro.