Who's at what rank?

 #10137  by Lessa
good luck you two XD

 #10151  by Frood
good luck dudes, whats with the name for the topic rofl

 #10163  by Wolferion
Good luck you two =) Staff Rulezzz!

 #10177  by Keritchi
And now I am one of two paddy's. ^_^ Don't worry, Wojtas, Raven isn't TOO mean. ;-)

 #10458  by WoJtÁ§
I really want to apologise to RaVeN cuz I gave up with staff. The reason is staff isnt just for me and I couldnt really enjoy fighting with it. I'm really sorry for wasting your time RaVeN :( . I came back to single which I started from day I started play in jka.
