Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #103799  by Jato
lol i love these

 #103855  by Clank


getting the bill

 #103860  by Mandalorian
Not sure if anyone will get this one if you haven't played Red Alert 2, but:


 #103898  by TheDoctor

 #104080  by Clank


(not sure if i posted this one before)

me and yoshi finally make it!

JKA 101: how to correctly apply medpack...omnomnomnom

 #104127  by LumberWolf
Clank wrote:
me and yoshi finally make it!
I like how you took the picture AFTER you had more suicides than me....

I did win the race to 1000 though, after coming from behind 100 to nothing

Here's the proof of me going to that score. Clank had logged off and returned. we HAD the same score.


 #104160  by Clank
pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me

 #104171  by Jato
Clank wrote:pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me

beat you both -1000 years ago >.>

 #104174  by LumberWolf
Clank wrote:pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me
I said we had the same score. I didn't say it was at the same time.

@jato but did you write an infinite kill script..... that can't be stopped

 #104175  by Jato
Yoshimatsu wrote:
Clank wrote:pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me
I said we had the same score. I didn't say it was at the same time.

@jato but did you write an infinite kill script..... that can't be stopped
Nope i did it the manly way

 #104177  by LumberWolf
as did I..... we made the script because I'm pretty sure I gave myself carpel tunnel

 #104178  by Zabuza
This one is about four years old :


 #104185  by Jato
Yoshimatsu wrote:as did I..... we made the script because I'm pretty sure I gave myself carpel tunnel
O ya?! Well i did thid WITH carpal tunnel syndrome!


 #104188  by AJ
Jato wrote:
Clank wrote:pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me

beat you both -1000 years ago >.>
Noobs: ... play_media

 #104222  by Jato
AJ wrote:
Jato wrote:
Clank wrote:pfft yoshi your pic is false as my time says im in the game for only 2 min after i reconed when i reached -1111 before you but ya you did came to -1000 before me

beat you both -1000 years ago >.>
Noobs: ... play_media
Pfft those are my newer (desktop) tags signifying that this is newer than the video i posted, once agains i still wins! I mean look at it, both darfin and echo still played at this point along w aayci!!

 #104233  by AJ
But I achieved higher that new years eve two years ago.

 #104235  by Jato
AJ wrote:But I achieved higher that new years eve two years ago.

Plus mine was at least 3/4 years ago so I still wins! NOW MOAR PICS OF FUNNEH

 #104242  by Clank
i will make a score to -2000 one of these days to beat you all!
oh and Jato...jooo smell



 #104243  by Jato
Lol! Put him down like the horse he is

 #104298  by Goddess
Psssh, i beat you all!

 #104299  by LumberWolf
It's UNDER -9000!!!!!!!!!

 #104313  by Jato
Goddess wrote:Psssh, i beat you all!
lmao, well done, i concede the match!

 #104317  by LumberWolf
Jato wrote:
Goddess wrote:Psssh, i beat you all!
lmao, well done, i concede the match!
agreed. It seems you've killed yourself so hard that you are missing a hand as well.

 #104326  by Jato
Yoshimatsu wrote:
Jato wrote:
Goddess wrote:Psssh, i beat you all!
lmao, well done, i concede the match!
agreed. It seems you've killed yourself so hard that you are missing a hand as well.

 #104337  by Goddess
Jato wrote:
Yoshimatsu wrote:
Jato wrote: lmao, well done, i concede the match!
agreed. It seems you've killed yourself so hard that you are missing a hand as well.
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