Who's at what rank?
 #10157  by Frood
:( yea im not quite sure where to post this but uhm yea my master ice hasn't been on to train me or anything at all since the day after he asked me to be so three weeks ago, i kinda gave up on him like the week after but never really thought to get rid of him i didnt think it was legal but just here to check so would it be possible to not be his paddy anymore :?:


 #10266  by Frood
I really have no idea, kinda disappointed at my last one, and I've really just been getting a bunch of help from a bunch of people on the server and in the clan, but I never really though who I would ask
 #10297  by Martin
id take you on if you wanted :)

 #10300  by Tricky
id take you on if you wanted
Accept that offer! Accept!

 #10301  by Kakashi.Archive
NOOOOOOES.....if frood is padawan of martin...i wont be able to beat him anymore...:P....frood if u get the chance take it martin is a good teach and a good single user!

 #10325  by Hosh-pak
oh ya hes skilled

 #10327  by Phoenix
Skilled? Thats an understatment.

 #10328  by Banshee
lol! Martin pwns many >_>

but while were on the topic of martins godship, lol, ive have his head aa few times... the ration sucks, lmao, but hey.

Frood, you should really take up this offer. He is the best single saberist i know, in my opinion. hence refering to his godship >_>

 #10332  by Frood
I'd gladly accept Martin as my master! That'd be great, thanks for offering dude

 #10334  by RaVeN
Very well, I name you Master and Padawan

You may kiss each other if you like.

On a side note. Since you didnt recieve any real training from Ice, and since your changing masters with completely different fighting sytles, you will restart your 3 week training requirement to your jedi trial starting today.

If this is a problem send me a PM

 #10345  by Kakashi.Archive
Good luck you two....i bet martin will take you very far!......

 #10354  by Hosh-pak
SOWWAY i meant hes
uber master killer hacker world f-er kicks all asses
pwns whole clan flawless with closed eyes must be a god
omg wont believe it hes the utltra mega hyper siht F special
invincible jedi king

satisfied, bo mo phoe hoe?

:) sorriiiiiiiiiiyiyiy

*watch the lang - RaVeN*

 #10360  by Frood
thats fine raven, I didnt think i was really ready anyway regardless of help i got from everyone ^_^

 #10361  by Kakashi.Archive
Hosh-pak wrote:SOWWAY i meant hes
uber master killer hacker world f-ker kicks all asses
pwns whole clan flawless with closed eyes must be a god
omg wont believe it hes the utltra mega hyper stit fk special
invincible jedi king

satisfied, bo mo phoe hoe?

:) sorriiiiiiiiiiyiyiy

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

 #10366  by Kane
oook ill translate that..

"He's really good"

 #10380  by Hosh-pak

i love you fkers,,,#,d

damn i donr fwwl aklright!