Who's at what rank?
 #103262  by Lothar
I've discussed the topic with sentreth on server and i'd like to take him as my padawan ( Council permitting)

 #103265  by MasterM
gl you guys

 #103269  by Sentreth
I give Aeddan full consent :)

 #103275  by Jato

 #103276  by MetaDragoon

 #103284  by Sakito
Good luck (:

 #103286  by Wind
Good luck you two.

 #103288  by Seeker
Wind wrote:Good luck you two.

 #103302  by Fazz

Good luck to both of you :)

Have fun.

Tatty bye

 #103306  by LumberWolf
Good = Luck!

 #103313  by John
Have fun

 #103317  by Clank
gerd luck

 #103319  by Key
gard lark

 #103339  by TheDoctor
gord luck!

 #104959  by Sentreth
TheDocter wrote:gord luck!
Already passed the trial. If only someone would kindly update my rank...(JUST SAW IT NEVERMIND..THANK YOU :D).