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 #42596  by echo
Well I just had my worst injury today lol. I got my throat slit open by a skate during practice and had to run to the ER, it wasn't major but it was less then an inch from my jugular vein so it could've been, because if it had I probably wouldn't have even made it to the hospital.

So I'm just wondering what's the worst injury anybody here has gotten?

 #42598  by dent
today, my fingers got kinda cold, it was pretty brutal

 #42609  by Richard
I was gonna say I have made a thread like this before

To be honest if its a close injury to seriousness count your blessings a skate cut doesnt sound nice.

As a rugby player you get probably a complete physical test and you get aches and soars even when you dont take a knock

Still my shoulders nearly touching counts as my own worst.. glad for it too as a number 10 I play a pivot role in the team so I am glad to have not been injured and been heavily involved in what we have done.

I hurt wrists knees calf but to be honest I tend to recover well, I guess iM lucky any knock or strain I can shake off or even run off.

I make efforts to use strenching and muscular even masaged muscle before. We sometimes get a sports massue in and the know how is useful, you can teahc yourself alot about injury rehabilitation.

 #42624  by saunby
Lol, sorry for ruining your thread Echo :P

ANd as an update on my ankle to the old one - it still plays up lol, been a year now (Y)


 #42627  by RoNin
Let's see... recently to not so? bout 5 days ago an inch of dagger went into the side of my wrist, bout 2 years ago an arrow went through my left hand when i was 7 i broke my arm, when i was 5 i F'ed up my ankle and knee the rest is well trivial

 #42628  by saunby
I got blown up by a bomb, that has to be the worst injury right, so I win? :D

 #42631  by Falcon
wow....i feel.....lucky o.O

 #42632  by Delev
My worst injury was when I was Six and walking in the shallow waters of a beach.. Ended up stepping on something sharp, not sure what it was, just knew I was in pain.. I had cut my foot open, so had to spend a few hours in the hospital, but I've never broken any bones (ever), so I don't know what it's like for some people.

 #42635  by Kane
snapped all the ligaments in the right side of my right knee, before the corrective surgery(what they could do at least) could bend my knee at a right angle... sideways... was kinda cool in a way.

Still bends funny but not near as far as it used to tournament fighting can be rough sometimes heh :)

Oh few breaks and tears, but thats by far my most serious one :S

 #42638  by Rugg
I've never sprained, pulled, twisted, snapped, punctured or broken anything. However in first grade I completely stopped breathing 3 times in one day with no obvious cause...that was interesting to say the least. From what I was told they were wheeling my lifeless body through the hospital to the ER, and when they whipped out the defribulator machine I "woke up".
Other than that my life has been pretty safe as I tend to avoid anything that may cause pain. :mrgreen:

 #42641  by Eagle
Well let's see here....when I was in elementary school, I was sledding on the hill behind my school and someone in an innertube ran into me and made me flip through the air...when I came down, I smacked into the hill and since there was ice beneath the snow....I broke my mom said it was pretty brutal lol.
Also sometime in elementary school, I was at a friend's house during summer, and we were walking back to his house, and my sandal broke and caught in a crack in the sidewalk...that caused a nice big gash in my knee that bled like crazy...still have a scar from that, lol.
Another time, I think it was either 5th or 6th grade, not sure, I was rollerskating and was pushed over by some high schooler and fell on my wrist, giving myself a nice clean break there.
And then the infamous knee injuries....started in 6th grade when I was in gym class, and still gives me trouble today...yay for being born with a defective knee! (a ticking time bomb, I called it) =P

 #42642  by Melissa
3 Injuries

2 of them playing cricket, one cracked me on the wrist at a good pace like 80mph.. was so still turned out I broke it.

THe second was a bouncer agian high spped into the rib cage, bruise ribs and one cracked..

Then last year at work was carrying a way too heavy object up the stairs and fell down 3 or more steps landed cracked my knee right on the step, torn the ligaments and cracked the cartalidge.. Couldn't walk for 2 weeks.

 #42644  by echo
Worst injury and all injuries are 2 very different things :o

I guess i get to tell all my injuries that are worth mentioning too then >_<

When I was about 3 I fell trying to learn to ice skate and busted my head open, had to get stitches.

My friend hit me in the exact same spot I had busted my head open previously with a toy weed wacker i think? anyway, it busted my head open again and I had to get stitches in the same spot.

I also was trying to learn to ride a scooter and fell off it going down a hill when i was like 7, i slid down concrete for at least 3 seconds on my chin lulz, had to get stitches there also.

No other injuries worth mentioning really

 #42888  by Woodchip
broke my leg, bone was sticking thru the skin, and i had a concussion so i didnt know if thats really what happened but my football/rugby coach said thats what happened...i got to eatz lots of popsicles in the hospitibable!

 #42897  by Richard
Woodchip When I were 19 I playing inside center at that time our flyhalve at that time had an injury just like yours... he was 29... He never played again :(.. I was promoted to that position 2 years later and have remain mostly unscathed from anything serious as that..

Take care of yoruself

 #42927  by Woodchip
yeah yeah np