Cute. A word I don't usually use.
PostPosted:Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:02 am
But it managed to get me to say it:

Jawa wrote:Kill it before it breeds!All of the fire!?!
Tidus wrote:i do not understand, why is it grown people like that little girl show so much?Does this look anything like a pony? This is a Pokémon!
Aeddan wrote:You can't kill it with fire because it LOVES fire D:....Jawa wrote:Kill it before it breeds!All of the fire!?!
Tidus wrote:lol which pokemon??Fennekin, one of the new three starter pokémon for the new 3D experience pokémon game: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
but why is it grown men like my little pony stuff?
Mandalorian wrote:being a brony wasnt my point of the video response lolTidus wrote:lol which pokemon??Fennekin, one of the new three starter pokémon for the new 3D experience pokémon game: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
but why is it grown men like my little pony stuff?
And I do not know myself, ask Sen and/or Aki :P.
Mandalorian wrote:@phil: What is there to understand? its just a random cute gif I found of a Poké I didnt see the picture the first time cause I use 2 different devices to go on the Internet and sometimes the other one doesent show certain picture sizes
Akimoto wrote:Where is the gif from? Is it really Pokémon?It is a pokémon, it is called Fennekin. One of the three starters from the new full 3D experience Pokémon game: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mandalorian wrote:*heartattack* N-N-N-New Pokémon game for 3DS?! I have to acquire this.Akimoto wrote:Where is the gif from? Is it really Pokémon?It is a pokémon, it is called Fennekin. One of the three starters from the new full 3D experience Pokémon game: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
@Phil: Its not a pony, its a fox.
Akimoto wrote:Not to mention this will be the first ever full 3D pokémon exploration game. Play as you normally would in the classic games, but this time in a full 3D enviroments. Behold:Mandalorian wrote:*heartattack* N-N-N-New Pokémon game for 3DS?! I have to acquire this.Akimoto wrote:Where is the gif from? Is it really Pokémon?It is a pokémon, it is called Fennekin. One of the three starters from the new full 3D experience Pokémon game: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS.
@Phil: Its not a pony, its a fox.
Jawa wrote:I gave up at generation 4, they're running out of ideas for Pokemon and it makes me sad :cquite the contrary, this is a new full 3D experience. Its like playing the old pokémon games, but this time in 3D. Not much of a big change. And this time they put more personalization things unlike in the old games where you were stuck looking like a person wearing a hat for the entire game. This time you could travel, get different outfits, and even (along with the bike) get roller skates.
Mandalorian wrote:When I said running out of ideas I meant the actual pokemon not just the items, gameplay (most important) and outfits etc. I will admit this does look awesome but if they had made the game for Generation 1-4 I would definately be getting it.Jawa wrote:I gave up at generation 4, they're running out of ideas for Pokemon and it makes me sad :cquite the contrary, this is a new full 3D experience. Its like playing the old pokémon games, but this time in 3D. Not much of a big change. And this time they put more personalization things unlike in the old games where you were stuck looking like a person wearing a hat for the entire game. This time you could travel, get different outfits, and even (along with the bike) get roller skates.
In my opinion, yes, the 4th generation was odd, but this game is the one that say "Ok guys, we get it, we are sorry. You want epic. So here you go."