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 #107930  by Akimoto
I am really, really, really horrible modeling heads! I am working on a generic human model (which I can edit later to make cool models and whatnot).

Headless model:

I tried making an head, but it looked horrible. I don't want to make horrible stuff.

Anyone know a good tutorials for making a head? (generic head, nothing fancy) @@

 #107932  by Jato
you take the modler... and you smash lots of buttons and click everything you can... 99% satisfaction garunteed

 #107937  by Akimoto

PROGRESS!! *going to bed*

*Akimoto's head modeling skill rises*

 #107940  by Jato
See! My advice is full proof

 #108085  by Akimoto
Jato wrote:See! My advice is full proof
That's because I am a full :)