Grand Jedi Palace V1.0
PostPosted:Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:51 pm
Yes yes it is finished.
Rather than bore you with details and countless screenshots:
Download Link:
Filefront URL: ...
Mediafire URL:
Botroutes: Yes
Levelshot: Yes
New Music: Yes (Newer than Beta2)
*copied from readme file*
This map is BIG so do not be so disconcerned or confused at first. It grows
on you fast. The entire map is interconnectable meaning that you can go from
one side, to the other without even going through the main hall. To help
beginners there are minimaps throughout. The white arrow shows the direction
you are facing while looking at the map.
There teleporters throughout the map all lead back to the teleporter room
(except the ones inside the teleporter room). This is for convenience of
travel from one location to another.
The Council room locks and switches have their own checks and balances.
Though the switches in the Council room can lock the doors, The admin room
has switches to disable (and enable) those lock switches. You can have
combinations such as leaving the council room doors unlocked and preventing
the switches in the council room from locking the doors, or Having the doors
locked and preventing them from being opened from the Council room. Or can
can have the switches in the Council room have complete control by not
disabling them.
All locks automatically start as open upon map load. Meaning Council room,
NPC room, RancorSpawn and Admin room are all open at startup by default.
There are four clues scattered around the map leading to a hidden switch
that opens a door in the same room to a secret Dojo. Remember to be quick
once it is open, it wont stay open for long.
*note* I did botch the readme file a bit with the "DESCRIPTION" part.
Rather than bore you with details and countless screenshots:
Download Link:
Filefront URL: ...
Mediafire URL:
Botroutes: Yes
Levelshot: Yes
New Music: Yes (Newer than Beta2)
*copied from readme file*
This map is BIG so do not be so disconcerned or confused at first. It grows
on you fast. The entire map is interconnectable meaning that you can go from
one side, to the other without even going through the main hall. To help
beginners there are minimaps throughout. The white arrow shows the direction
you are facing while looking at the map.
There teleporters throughout the map all lead back to the teleporter room
(except the ones inside the teleporter room). This is for convenience of
travel from one location to another.
The Council room locks and switches have their own checks and balances.
Though the switches in the Council room can lock the doors, The admin room
has switches to disable (and enable) those lock switches. You can have
combinations such as leaving the council room doors unlocked and preventing
the switches in the council room from locking the doors, or Having the doors
locked and preventing them from being opened from the Council room. Or can
can have the switches in the Council room have complete control by not
disabling them.
All locks automatically start as open upon map load. Meaning Council room,
NPC room, RancorSpawn and Admin room are all open at startup by default.
There are four clues scattered around the map leading to a hidden switch
that opens a door in the same room to a secret Dojo. Remember to be quick
once it is open, it wont stay open for long.
*note* I did botch the readme file a bit with the "DESCRIPTION" part.