Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #104292  by Key
Hello everyone!

As most of you know, Saki's skin was removed from the USP. This was due to some game-crashing errors that couldn't easily be resolved.

She's requested I maintain a separate download link where people can still get her skin. The link can be found here:

So far everyone seems to be susceptible to the crashing bug - download at your own risk. To clarify and minimize concern, it will only crash when a certain combination of lightsaber hilts is wielded whilst using the skin. This will not horribley break your game and render it impossible to play.

 #104314  by BadWolf
I could take a gander at it if you want, maybe even completely re-rig it if I have to :P

 #104341  by Key
If you're willing to do so, I'm sure Saki would appreciate it. I know the model wasn't originally made for JKA, it was just ported.

 #104351  by Mandalorian
Key wrote:If you're willing to do so, I'm sure Saki would appreciate it. I know the model wasn't originally made for JKA, it was just ported.
Nope. Looking at the textures and looking at the model I would say this is an edited model of Jan. Open Jan's face.jpg and then open Tifa's face.jpg. Then open Jan's torso and then open Tifa's torso 2. You will see that it uses the same size, and the parts both fit. My *guess* is that the problem with the skin is the shaders on it. And if its not that then it must be something the maker messed up editing the model.

 #104353  by jawfin
I concluded it was the .glm that's faulty. Easy enough to test though, remove all textures and play with the white artefact model, load up a couple of JA+ sabers and get clashing.

 #104356  by Key
Mandalorian wrote:
Key wrote:If you're willing to do so, I'm sure Saki would appreciate it. I know the model wasn't originally made for JKA, it was just ported.
Nope. Looking at the textures and looking at the model I would say this is an edited model of Jan. Open Jan's face.jpg and then open Tifa's face.jpg. Then open Jan's torso and then open Tifa's torso 2. You will see that it uses the same size, and the parts both fit. My *guess* is that the problem with the skin is the shaders on it. And if its not that then it must be something the maker messed up editing the model.
Just because the UVW's are set up the same way doesn't mean it's an edited version of Jan. I use UVW's that are quite similar in layout to other models because they provide a good example. The author of the file has admitted to there being strange and extra parts added onto the leg-area of the model, causing bugs.

Whether the model was ported or not, I just assumed as there are a large amount of Final Fantasy models that have been ported. Unfortunately the readme doesn't mention anything clearly enough to fully say it is.

Senbou was looking at it earlier today and gave me a fixed version, I don't know if he did anything specific to the model but he (I think) did mention changing some things in the shader. -Waiting for him to post-

 #104359  by Sakito
If someone can do something to fix it or do something that will make it work. like what key said id really appreciate it (:

 #104383  by AJ
Screenies are nice too

 #104399  by Key
I'll have it all done in a new post once I get the updated version of the skin from Sen(BadWolf).

 #104955  by AJ

 #104970  by Key
Saki's skin was added to the pack - locking this topic as it's no longer necessary. x)

 #105115  by AJ
Posting on locked topic: Meant ehm, as in screenies...