Who's at what rank?
 #10062  by Darth Kithoran
I use duals most of the time, but occassionally single blades too 8)

 #10223  by Banshee
i would, but im one rank too low :-/ a week and a half ish? lol

 #10245  by Darth Kithoran
Yeah I'm in no hurry :)

 #10251  by Scythe
hmmmm... dual user eh... well i'm sure SilverCloud might not mind :3 i'm sure it will just depend on your time (but i know she's looking for someone)((don't be shy to ask if you see her :3))(((she could kill me for suggesting it)))((((i fear for my life T.T))))

 #10281  by Starcomand
what is your time zone?