Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #103425  by Bazookapc
So wait, is it allowed for non-members to have avatars on your forum?

As it doesn't seem to be letting me set mine, if I may so kindly have my standard forums avatar ... 00x450.jpg be set to my account, that would just be lovely. :)

 #103432  by BadWolf
Yes, non-members can customize their account with avatars and signatures, it is a forum after all. :P

 #103437  by Bazookapc
So why then does this forum keep saying my 100x100 avatar link is invalid?

I also tried a 100x100 pixel avatar of the Assassin Altair Ibn'la'ahad and that was also considered invalid by the forum. :S

 #103440  by BadWolf
Bazookapc wrote:So why then does this forum keep saying my 100x100 avatar link is invalid?

I also tried a 100x100 pixel avatar of the Assassin Altair Ibn'la'ahad and that was also considered invalid by the forum. :S
It also has to be a specific file size, not just dimensions.
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 150 pixels, the height no greater than 150 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.

 #103454  by jawfin
I'd be more inclined to think the forum doesn't like the - in the url.

And, fortunately for you, your "100x100" avatar is actually "600x450", the clue is in the link LOL. But assuming that point was lost, just clicking on the link you provided should prove it. Failing that, I'll embed your "100x100" in this post: -


100 wasn't such a big number today as it was when I was a kid....
So luckily you failed, just saved us even more work!