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 #102366  by LumberWolf
Kind of. I've decided to write a few more, since I received some good feedback from that first one.

Some are depressing,
some are sappy,
and some made me cry
but the real meat of these heartfelt poems
is the fact that I'm normally shy.

So, here they are, starting with:


The heart's greatest torment
is the affliction of love,
the start of the ascent,
to find the one from above.

The wrongs of the past
Lie deep within
and make the present last
kept secret with sin

This love and I
together at last
no longer shy
forget the past

Remember the torment and embrace pain
For my love for her is forbidden
different views, like the sun and the rain
make her love for me overridden

For this is love's design
Reaching for the unobtainable reward
for the one you enshrine
hoping and praying to be of one accord.

Day of Reckoning (With Renne):

Day of the wicked, the restless, the damned
Day of the free will, the easily scammed
Day of the runners, the outbreak of sheep
Day of the innocent hiding in sleep

Day of the mocking, day of the fight
Day of no moonlight, the darkness of night
Day of regret, day of mistake
Day of the Feast, Day to partake
Last edited by LumberWolf on Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #102367  by LumberWolf
Numbers 3 and 4, Joy and Voices:


Oh, the sins of many times of sorrow
overcome by joy flowing from the soul
Allowing me to face tomorrow
and making my being whole

What joy my soul does know
with nothing left to lose
when even in an all time low
you still remain a muse

Thinking on ahead to a distant day
when we are together as one
striving hard to find a way
with you in the setting sun

Life's traps, sorrow and dispair
mean nothing to me from your Joy
Joy, from which,my soul you repair
Likes that Hell could not destroy

When you are near I find my joy
to soothe my restless, tired soul
and I feel once again a boy
and with you I am made whole


I can feel them whispering in my mind
Can't fight the urges they give me
Any resistance is hard to find
for the future is hard to see

Instinct is taking over now
Can't resist, it is taking
me over and I wonder how
my soul has started breaking

Consumed by the voices within
can't fight the fire of rage
that boils from a pit of sin
Beat the weak, burn every page

Help is far away from me
and the voices are the only friend
torment no one could forsee
pain none could transcend

You come to my rescue, with your grace
through abuse, sorrow, and unending pain
the voices are strong, but they see your face
driving them screaming into my brain

They are leaving me, I don't know how
despair is finished
you're my friend,should God allow
my hate diminished.

 #102484  by Wind
I'm really liking this stuff. You have a natural talent for Writing, it seems :) Continue!

 #102507  by Seeker
Keep going Yoshi!


 #102545  by LumberWolf
New one:


Life is a gift and a curse
It can lift you up or tear you down
It can get better, but never worse
so lift your hands and get rid of that frown

Life happens and that is that
It is the greatest gift
Blessings are round, sins are flat
making a perspective shft

Life brings major torment
the likes of which we can't take
But bring the life to the ascent
to heal the wounds life did make

Finding a place to run and hide
for life is waiting around the bend
your time you can no longer bide
for this suffering must end

Life brings torture and pain
Life brings happiness and joy
Whatever life brings, sun or rain
the happiness I will employ.

Though the pain will increase
and the sorrow will rise
It will later decrease
and the joy will baptize

For if you wish to end
to relieve the pain
the pain will not mend
it will only ban joy's eventual gain.

Life is a gift and a curse
It can lift you up or tear you down
It can get better, but never worse
so lift your hands and get rid of that frown

And go turn this world upside-down

 #102549  by Wind
Love it :)

 #102552  by Gollum
Keep it up Yoshi.

 #102557  by Seeker
You really have talent :)

 #102575  by LumberWolf
Thanks Guys!

Next Installment, for my friend who has been going through a tough time in Iraq, made this for her:


Stand strong steadfast heroes
stand strong for your home today
Stand strong for your people, your partners, and children
stand strong for your peace every day.

Fight hard mighty warriors
Fight hard for the people you love
Fight hard for the places you live in
Fight hard for the dead above

Press on faithful forces
Press on for the great cause
Press on for the wounded, the broken and scarred
Press on for the righteous laws

Stand strong steadfast heroes
Stand strong for your home today
stand strong for your freedom, your past, and your future
stand strong against all in your way

 #102582  by Seeker
Like it :)

 #102592  by Jato
There once was a man from peru
He dreamed of eating his shoe
He woke up with a fright in the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true


 #102594  by Gollum
Jato wrote:There once was a man from peru
He dreamed of eating his shoe
He woke up with a fright in the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true


 #102595  by Jato
Yes lol

 #102596  by LumberWolf
Jato, that was brilliant! haha

 #102638  by Jato
XD i try :P

 #102709  by LumberWolf
And now for the polar opposite, this one has meaning......
My best friend committed suicide a couple years ago..... this is what I wish I had said.....


Don't do what I think you are about to
It's not the way it's supposed to end
I know you are scared when this happens
But don't be, because I'm a friend

Fight through the tears,
it will be okay
and the haunting of the years
will fade away

It doesn't make sense right now
This hard game of life
But I assure you, i don't know how
It will make sense, your pain and strife

The bond between two can be great
But the Bond of life is greater
yet here I say, that life has meaning
and to morbid thoughts don't cater

You are loved, and you still love
For your life still has meaning
and wait for rescue thereof
of the one who, for you, is intervening

 #102718  by TheDoctor
im srry to here that yoshi

 #102723  by Seeker
Sorry to hear that Yoshi.

The poem, it's lovely.

 #102725  by LumberWolf
only reason I posted that Is because today it is the 3rd anniversary of it....

Reason #1 I don't like Valentines Day, haha

and thanks

 #102767  by LumberWolf
Okay, valentines day is officially over, so I have no problem sharing this:

Heartbreak Valentine:

I can't stand what you've done to me
you pinned my back against the wall
so fighting back wasn't hard to see
so shut up and accept your fall

Cheating is held in no regard
so why do you not see
just pick one, it's not that hard
and yet you're with him AND me

Where are you when my friends die
showing me no support while I fade
Oh, that's right! you're with some other guy
while in oceans of sorrow I wade

So I ended it with you, we're done
time to say goodbye
I will find another one
have fun with your other guy.

 #102778  by Wind
These are very deep. I like my literature deep.

 #102780  by TheDoctor
nice... you tell that woman

 #102795  by LumberWolf

Wrote this one not too long ago, I think I need to change the title of this section (Edit: So I did!), haha..... this is getting dark fast.


Choking down your own lies
and swallowing up the pain
leaves me to watch as she cries
out in the driving rain

When hard times press down
with scars dug so deep
the pain seems to drown
and through the wound, seep

I've never known the healing
a broken bone could bring
for while the blood's congealing
pain promises a wedding ring

Every hidden promise,
all the muffled screams
feed my dark conscience
and crush my hopeful dreams

So cut me down and beat it out
The bruises hide the pain
it's bearing down, I want to shout
this sorrow will never wane

Choking down your own lies
and swallowing up the pain
for I watch as my ambition dies
for now I'm no longer sane.

 #102797  by Gollum
Hmmmmm... I think you should sell these in books or something these are really great.

 #102800  by LumberWolf
Really? I just write them to get over things, haha
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