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PostPosted:Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:02 pm
by Clank
I found a nanosuit skin based on the game crysis,but when i put the pk3 in my base folder and select it in the game,its not it.I checked the pk3 and from there and in the game the skin is diferent,by that i mean the pictures you find in the pk3,that are the legs,arms,head etc are not the ones i get in the game. Is that something that i cant change or i can?
PostPosted:Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:04 pm
by Akimoto
You should provide a link to the file so we may take a look at it.
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:34 am
by BadWolf
typically, if a models parts look dif from screens it means there is a filepath issue, try changing names of the parts in question to something else and update the .skin file
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:09 am
by Clank
i tryed to change the name of the parts but i did something wrong and and it ended up that i got an invisible skin... here is the skin ... 2t78190148
the skin i get in the game seems to be just a skin based on the reborn skin but just retextured
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:41 am
by Zabuza
Hm, I just downloaded and tested the skin and had no problems with it
However, I renamed the files etc of the skin just to see if it conflicts with some of your other pk3s: . Make sure you delete the current nanosuit in your base.
Proof it works:
/model kralex2
/model kralex2/red
/model kralex2/blue
/model kralex2/boss
Let me know if that helps!
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:03 pm
by Clank
alrighty just one more thing can i change the model its based on i mean the skin itself is a reborn can i put the textures from the reborn on another model and if maybe is there a tutorial if i can make a model or try moding an already existing one by changing the shape,size etc...
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:01 pm
by jawfin
If it is not working for you now then making image changes will not fix it. That skin has issues - it overwrites key files the game relies on, which maybe why it's not working for you. If you do intend to customise a skin for yourself, I suggest starting with one which at least works for you.
PostPosted:Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:58 pm
by Clank
i got the skin that mad showed me i can see it in game but im asking if i can take the textures of it and put it on another model
PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:11 am
by Zabuza
Alex wrote:i got the skin that mad showed me i can see it in game but im asking if i can take the textures of it and put it on another model
Yes. For example:
You could take the head of nanosuit and rename it to shadowtrooper's head .jpg (whatever it is, too lazy atm). Then replace it in the models/players directory and recompile shadowtrooper and viola, a probably mismatched nano-trooper head.
Usually you would try to avoid mix matching skin textures because they may end up looking funky on some models. However, you could mix and match some of them. For example, kyle and shadowtrooper since they kinda have the same "build." For best results of skinning, I recommend editing the images with image editing software (GIMP or PS) rather than copy and pasting.
PostPosted:Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:41 pm
by Clank
Alright thank you so much for your help guys its about 00:40 am right now i forgot to do this before and give it my best shot