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PostPosted:Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:16 pm
by LumberWolf
A good friend performing a trick i helped him come up with.
I can attest to the fact there is no set-up and this entire video is completely legit. We're creating a few more tricks, but I could use a little feedback. This is "Perception"

working on a phase 2 called "Inception" that can also be a standalone trick.

Cameron has blown my mind with what he can do, And since we have been working on tricks, his talents have been showing, I dont think it's long before
he starts going somewhere

PostPosted:Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:41 pm
by Archaic
I'm not sure that I understand the point of what he is doing. Is this expanding on the idea of planting an idea in someone's head? He is manipulating her into choosing the number that he desires her to choose. It may be the title that is causing confusion, why is it entitled Perception? It is good though.

Also, please tell him to shave off that awful peach fuzzstache lol.

PostPosted:Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:16 pm
by MasterM
Archaic wrote:Also, please tell him to shave off that awful peach fuzzstache lol.
It seems to me that he isn't so much persuading them as he is testing their ability to pick up on stuff. It says in the description that he knows his sister always guesses 2 numbers lower than what he says so he says 12 and snaps whenever he does it, so naturally the sister picks up on 12, goes 2 lower and gets 10. He then says that on other people he would have snapped on ten, so I don't see why it's a persuasion thing lol

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:40 am
by jawfin
The usual method is to subtly lead them to the number you want. A classic example is to ask someone to to tell you the square of 5, then ask them for the square of 6, then ask them to pick a number between 1 and 10 and most times they'll choose 7 as you lead them to it. In his example he said 12 then 14, so had he stopped there the person may have chosen 16. As he acted on insider knowledge specific to only that person it loses impact. The real trick is to ring an unknown person.

A critic may also note the we didn't see him take the money out of his wallet, or tell us before-hand how much he had. Thus a person would state he only needed to pick up the number of notes that his victim stated.

Archaic wrote:Also, please tell him to shave off that awful peach fuzzstache lol.

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:08 am
by LumberWolf
Fail on my part, wrong video. He didn't name that one yet.

Here's the actual one. ... ure=relmfu

he's been working a lot with Covert Hypnosis. I'll leave you to google it, as I do not want to reveal too much myself

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:49 am
by Archaic
He still has the fuzztasche. :(

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:53 am
by MasterM
Archaic wrote:He still has the fuzztasche. :(
also, I still don't really get it. he tells them to figure out the card on the ground, and then proceeds to tell them that it's one of 4 cards. When he goes through the deck there's a bunch of spades at the top, although idk what they were, you can't see them clearly enough, so maybe there 3, 7, and 9 are on the top there, so only the 5 is left so he's like "shocker! it's the 5!". Maybe I'm missing something here.

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:16 am
by LumberWolf
He says just after he pulls the card out "I want you to think of a card"

So in a way you're right, he is influencing Mario (spectator's name). From the spectator's POV, he thinks of a card and the Magician starts trying to guess it. then he stops and shows you it isn't in the deck. It really is the one on the ground. It's merely a card force using covert hypnosis and a variant on the magician's choice method. I'll leave you to google that too.......
TBH, I'm terrible at mentalism, which is where "Major Mustache" comes in.
By the way, he won't part with the 'stache, I've asked before....... but give him a break, he's only 14

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:37 am
by jawfin
I saw a clever force once. Basically it's done by asking one guy to state his opinion of another guy he doesn't know (but is in front of him, say in a crowd) and to compare him to a card.

It's done like this: as the guy being asked the questions won't want to incidently insult a stranger, you ask whether he'd be a red card or a black card. He'll say black as red is effeminate. You then ask whether he's a club or a spade. Again he'll go club as that's a macho name (hard consonant) and spade has a subconscious association with a racial slur which our victim will avoid (we hope). Then ask which face card. Again we hope he'll say Jack as Queen is way off, and King is too generous. Also Jack carries subtle reference of a skillful person as well as a good sense of humor.

So done right you've got one complete stranger to describe another with a card you've forced. You can always cheat though by stashing close cards, like King of Clubs, or Jack or Spades on different parts of your body; under your hat etc, and going for the right one to prove your skill!

PostPosted:Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:44 am
by Clank
still pretty neat

PostPosted:Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:54 am
by LumberWolf
Interesting Jaw..... any idea what it's called? I'm gonna look it up later. My favorite card force has nothing to do with mentalism. It is literally called "The Force" I've been performing it since it came out and no one has caught on... if you want a link, let me know.

PostPosted:Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:16 am
by jawfin
I don't know - I saw it years ago (maybe David Blaine). Ironically it didn't go perfectly as the one guy described the other as a king so it was the King of Clubs, and the magician had the Jack of Clubs - but it was still close enough that they were impressed. This force was just a preamble to to greater trick anyway!

PostPosted:Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:53 pm
by LumberWolf
Hmmm. I should look it up. That sounds really interesting... I'd like to use it.... Might be a good phase 2..... or 3...... it would go really well in a routine.