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blud mod

PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:27 pm
by TheDoctor
ok i have a problem with the blud mod it seems a little to gory. I was hoping yall could put the dismember mod on your downloads section so people have a choice between body parts every where or blood and body parts every where.KR is awesome please put dismember mod on 8) :lol:

PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:53 pm
by jawfin
Dismember is not a mod, in fact using the correct JA terminology the blood mod isn't a mod either, it's a package. A mod is a conversion to the game itself, like JAPlus or ClanMod or LugorMod. Secondly, dismember is a feature within the game already which you can enable without a "mod" or a package. Put this command into your console: -
/cg_dismember 6000

PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:58 pm
by Clank
dang jaw beat me to it i posted this
there was a cg you type in the console that sets the dismeberment,but still, there are some mod's that does more than 1 dismemberment at once.
and i saw he puted up a post -_-.

well i took the liberty to find you a mod,if you realy want it a mod.

and of course here are screenies...











PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:39 pm
by jawfin
TheDocter wrote:i have a problem with the blud mod it seems a little to gory
He already has that and like me, doesn't use it as it's too gory.
In fact, I don't even use the dismember either, but there it is.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:41 pm
by Zabuza
If I remember from previous experience, Bloodplus and similiar etc only display the blood feature of the mod in Multiplayer, no dismemberment. Additionaly, the blood feature in Multiplayer doesn't "stick" to the ground, it is just a splatter (blood mods are really only good for Singleplayer). So, anyway as Jaw said, /cg_dismember is the way to go.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:46 pm
by Clank
Jawfin wrote:
TheDocter wrote:i have a problem with the blud mod it seems a little to gory
He already has that and like me, doesn't use it as it's too gory.
In fact, I don't even use the dismember either, but there it is.
oh,sry about that then,got of lost myself when rediting or probably didint read it carefully.

PostPosted:Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:29 pm
by TheDoctor
well thank you for your help jawfin and all the other kr members that posted. :D :mrgreen: 8)