Anything else that doesn't fit in any of the above forums goes here!
 #84815  by Clank
first of all thank you for spending some time on this topic

ok the problem is i usualy leave remeber password on the i dont need to log in every time.but sometimes i need to log in(dont know why it just forgets the password)but when i log in

u know at the forum sections u have those yellow folders to indicate that there is a new post

well when i log in i dont see any yellow folder all are white but when i went to chek if there are new posts i went on promotions and demotions i saw steins promotion to jedi

so that iritates me but its not a big deal so it dosent shows new post with the yellow folder.

so if any1 knows how to solve this problem thank you(i dont want to panic buuuuuuuuuut CAN SOMEONE HEEEEEEELP!!!):P

 #84834  by MasterM
you can hit "show posts since last visit" in the upper right-hand corner

 #84836  by Clank
k thank you

 #84850  by MasterM
no problem