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Master search part 2

PostPosted:Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:35 pm
by Striker
Now that school has settled down I thought it would be time for me to look for a master again

Although I mainly use staff I would be more then willing to learn single. :)

PostPosted:Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:40 am
by Necros
Rosters wrote:Ahsoka (Staff) (1)
Echo (Single) (1)
~LK~ (Single) (1)
Those are the currently open Knights in both Single and Staff. There are a few more options when it comes to Guardians and up, but I suggest trying to find a Knight to be your Master first off. However, if by say...oh...a week or two, you haven't been able to get in contact with any Knights or anything, know that I am willing and able to teach you (so long as you talk to me about it first ;) )

First off though, I think you should give the Knights a good chance of having you as their Paddy since they need a Padawan more than any Guardians or above do.

So, as I said, and this is too all KR as it should be known for all these kinds of posts. Knights, you're the first string here. You want a Padawan and you teach Single or Staff, find Striker. Guardians and up (myself included,) stay away from him for a little while. Give the Knights a chance to fight for him. I know, they might seem inactive and such, but it does not mean that they shouldn't at least be given the shot. I say a week or two, and if nothing comes out of your search by then, give the Guardians and up a chat (myself included :P .)

Good luck with your search for a Master mate :)

PostPosted:Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:40 am
by Stealth
I'm not swoopin in for the steal or anything but i am a single and if you cant find anyone id be more happy to teach ya a thing or two. however i am not a knight lol and i am definitely one of the older kids on the block. Just know im an option in last resort.

PostPosted:Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:09 pm
by Falcon
As Nec said, we'd much rather prefer an available Knight take you. If none other is available, your choices are pretty much open at that point :)

Any of the Knights and above with a (1) or a (2) next to them is available; you just need to ask. Some are inactive, however, and probably will not respond to you. But any of us active members are fair game :)

PostPosted:Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:47 pm
by Striker
Thanks everyone. I'll give it a couple of weeks because I'm sure some people are still busy with the holiday season

PostPosted:Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:14 am
by Jato
I hope you haven't abandoned your quest! As wrestling season is over for me, I am always available as single master but I highly encourage you to seek an active knight. This goes for any prospective student :) However, im more active in the mornings and mid mornings than in the afternoons for now so, good luck on your search!
