Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #67465  by Pyra
If I do a hopscotch-Macerena mix and wear a fake beard, do I get to be a general? :D

 #67466  by Zabuza
Pyra wrote:If I do a hopscotch-Macerena mix and wear a fake beard, do I get to be a general? :D
Yes, and we shall be your soldiers!

Anyway.. thats some fun politics :')

 #67467  by Akimoto
This is a joke?

 #67469  by Greed
And THIS is why I am proud to be an Indian.

Jai Hind :D

 #67470  by jawfin
I just hope that neither of those nations are nuclear capable :o

Btw, the commentator is Sanjeev, from The Kumars at number 42 and Mumbai Calling, both good comedies !

 #67471  by Falcon
Lul this looks like a Monty Python skit

 #67472  by Rugg
funny for sure!
as far as i know Jaw, they both have nukes. that's almost as scary as the US getting their hands on one....oh wait...

 #67473  by Greed
Btw, about the India/Pakistan nuclear threat...... it's all talk. Both of the nations are like "We're not gonna nuke you now.... but don't try anything funny >=["

 #67474  by BadWolf


im not sure whats sillier, that they can do all that silly stuff with a straight face or that they make it a public spectacle XD

 #67476  by Pyra
I'd totally wear a soda-hat to that and wear a big foam finger. :D

"Boo, defense! Defense! My grandma can kick higher, and she broke her hip!" I'd make a good heckler. :P

 #67478  by Phreedom
<3 the monty python reference in the movie there. I am proud to say that i hail from a country in which silly walking is one of the top priorities of the Govt!

 #67484  by Lothar
All i can say is... No one has been able to annex these guys yet? ^^