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PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:05 am
by Akimoto
Today 5:00AM Mon, oct 23, 2006

Shadow asked me to tele to him. I refused. He continued to nag like "plz tele to me" over and over. I used the No~! bind atleast 3-4 times.

Then he used amtele and forcefully made me come to him. He had enough answers and using admin for that is not acceptable no matter what circumstances. :evil:


He also used amtele on a newbie named GoldMoon. Which he did not ask for permission to do to him..

GoldMoon: "why u inprison me lol"
Then i spec and saw him in inside a "prison" in FFA1.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:54 am
by Stealth
shadow....admin abuse is serious man...dont do it.....esspecially on jk dont do it on anyone...its not funny or kool...and its against the rules...

PostPosted:Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:17 am
by Phoenix
Topic locked until we can investigate this. Shadow please contact me over msn when you get the chance.