Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #63006  by RaVeN
Warning: the below video contains offensive language and content not suitable for people below the age of 18:

The only reason why I'm going to let this content slide is because it really is educational.

This is a top notch review of Star Wars Episode 1. This guy nails everything I had trouble with and complained about in the newly released films.

Also it is really really funny.

If you have some time to devote to this (the full review is 7 parts, 10 minutes each - totaling 70 minutes) then do yourself a favor and watch.

As Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof, who discovered this said "Your life is about to change. This is astounding film making. Watch ALL of it."

Link: ... re=related

PS. In case some of you don't catch on, the voice-over is a parody of Buffalo Bill from the movie Silence of the Lambs.

 #63008  by Fazz
love it, lol

 #63010  by SilentOne
that was great lol on the first video at 6:40 when the floating pill comes in he looks right at it but other than that i agree with him most of the way..i was really confused in who is the main character of this movie i thought it was qui qonn but nope not really

 #63019  by Falcon
That guy sounds like he's trying to talk underwater through a walkie talkie with a mouth full of marshmallows.

That Guy With the Glasses

'Nuff said.

 #63021  by blacki
hahaha qui gon jin xD i ask the same question to me and ive got no awnser haha
Last edited by blacki on Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #63063  by Melissa
After 45 seconds the guy had said

If your under 20 and your least favourite was Empire strikes back i suggest you shut this right now

I was sold on this guy already when I heard that. The new filsm did improve but wow when you go back and watch the original you realise there is a huge difference

What the guy said I totally agree with, I found in the original trilogy I loved the characters.

Lukes your rookie hero, Han the shady but ultimately good guy, Lei just being a princess who can kick some ass

Darth Vader was a cool baddie!!

in the new Trilogy some of the characters annoyed me, Jarjars "messa this" Anakins " I hateee yoooouu!!" Darth Maul looking like something from Halloween.

 #63065  by Melissa
Seriously I am listening to more of these

He is so bang on the money!!

Maybe he should be the editor for Episode 7!!

 #63078  by jawfin
Yup, he raised all the points that nagged me watching it, and quite a few others besides. Particularity the lack of a proto, um protagy, no, progeny ... oh yea protagonist.

 #63079  by Sanction
i'd have to say, twas right on the money.

 #63084  by BadWolf
frankly i rather liked phantom menace XD

but my issue with this guys review... hes bloody boring, and its a 7 parter? really?
im not gonna watch it past the characters bit lol

 #63115  by Melissa

here is a head on block moment then

Which is your least favourite SW movie ... and no the animations are not allowed I mean the 4, 5 6 and the 1 , 2 , 3

 #63131  by SilentOne
RaVeN wrote:In order of best to worst


 #63132  by Melissa
For me slightly different

5 6 4 3 1 2

 #63140  by blacki

the 4 is my fav cuz that the first one i saw when i was 5 years old and that was so amazing...and i like the part in the bar with the monsters haha

 #63159  by Chantelle
5 6 4 >>> DAYLIGHT >>>>> the other three 1 and 2 battle it out for the wooden spoon.

I am going for Phantom menace as the worst because of a few flaws I couldn't get past

1 ) Darth Maul wasnt any kind of sith or bad guy, he hardly spoke... never left you with the chilling sensation Vader did.. Not saying he had to be another Vader but not some idiot in a bad costume.

2) Anakin accidentally turning on the ship flying into space and blowing up the main ship was an awful part. It was too ridiculous. Not Jake Lloyds Fault but I found Anakin in general annoying.. it was over cooked.

3) Jarjar binx - actually as annoying as he was I think there were far bigger problems

4) Wooden acting - probably slightly harsh but there was no quirkiness or charisma from anyone.. Ewan McGregor got better in subsequent films but he had no personality in the first one. However I don't blame the cast, there's some good actors and actresses there... they were written wooden.

 #63177  by Melissa
One thing that still bugs me is that they changed Anakin to Hayden in the remastered Return of the Jedi!!!

 #63189  by Tidus
well im lame and go 123456

 #63195  by Chantelle
Tidus wrote:well im lame and go 123456

You seriously think ROTJ was the worst? followed by ESB :shock:

You must have been born in the 90s?... Not saying anyone from 90s will prefer the new trilogy but. Anyone from 80s or 70s would never say that!

 #63204  by Tidus
hah '93 :)

 #63214  by Chantelle
Was your order 1-6 serious?

I seriously hope not.

 #63216  by Tidus
hah nah, i dont have a favorite. the 456 yoda makes me laugh tho. he is a funny puppet

 #63248  by Aayci Warrick
I love all of the movies and it bugs me that somebody would be bothered by a movie for not following the normal status quo. Saying that, his opinion is his and mine is mine.
since that topic has changed my favorite star wars movies in order are
(greatest to least)
3 6 4 5 1 2

 #63607  by Chantelle
Aayci Warrick wrote:I love all of the movies and it bugs me that somebody would be bothered by a movie for not following the normal status quo. Saying that, his opinion is his and mine is mine.
since that topic has changed my favorite star wars movies in order are
(greatest to least)
3 6 4 5 1 2
Whilst I dont mind new the films despite my harsh comments

I can understand why he would be bothered about it.

He (like myself and many others) was probably born and was a kid and bought up with the original films

To him at least they were probably a big thing of his childhood.

Then the big return to star wars comes finally 20 years later

And not only does it flatter to deceive it in some places is a bit embarrassing.

He probably felt annoyed than in a lot of areas Lucas sold out to silly ideas.

My opinion is I do think they improved mostly as they progressed

But for me there is no ways revenge of the sith is even close to the originals. Throwing heaps of CGI into big battle scenes etc etc and it was still Corney in places.

But I still like them, but I can understand why an original star wars fan would not like it.

 #63625  by Jato
SilentOne wrote:that was great lol on the first video at 6:40 when the floating pill comes in he looks right at it but other than that i agree with him most of the way..i was really confused in who is the main character of this movie i thought it was qui qonn but nope not really
the sw movies are alot easier to understand and more epic if you've read the books... *cough* not that i have or anything *cough cough* <.< >.>