Show off your sexy skins and models here!

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 #61257  by Fazz
hey, i think this should be quite easy to do, however, i know nothing about skinning.

basically, i would like to ask if some could remove the sword from this skin, and then change all the purple on it to yellow (141red 104green 1blue);36436

i would greatly appresiate this =), if you dont want to do this, thats fine aswell.


 #61265  by Fazz
tyvm =)

 #61270  by Necros
Hey mate, just downloaded the skin and took a look at it. Just wondering, and I think Fazz expressed interest in this when he was using it before (if not, correct me please mate :P ) but, is there a way to get rid of the armor and fluff textures? They were on the model this was based off of, but not needed it anymore. I'm not sure if they're really in the way as it is anyways :P

 #61275  by Fazz
tbh nec, this is the model ive been using for like a year on jka atm, so im used to it, so just the colour change is great for me =)

also, the colour change is great jaw, tyvm =)

 #61277  by Necros
Fazz wrote:tbh nec, this is the model ive been using for like a year on jka atm, so im used to it, so just the colour change is great for me =)

also, the colour change is great jaw, tyvm =)
Alright, was just pointing that out cuz I wasn't sure what you thought. As long as it's cool with you, it's cool with me mate :)

 #61280  by BadWolf
if i recall correctly i had already done this for you fazz...

i recall removing the armor, fluff and the sword,

i recall this because its a shoddily re-skinned seshomaru model

its rather simple to do really, just open the skin file and put in *off at the beginning line of the part you want gone and itll make the model portion invisable

im pretty sure its *off anyway...

 #61305  by Phreedom
Thats pretty hardcore

 #61308  by Zabuza
look smexy jawfy :3

 #61311  by BadWolf
well the reason i say it was originally a seshomaru model is because of the armor and fluff, hes the only one who has that lol
its just a rekin to look more like naraku, the main prob i saw when i did it before was the huge holes left behind

looks good jaw :P