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Model of Frenzy from Transformers

PostPosted:Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:02 pm
by ForteGigasGos
I found this model doing a search of "robot" at filefront. Its VERY well done and the screen shots don't do it justice. In game it looks great, has custom sounds (which actually sound funny as hell), and bot and npc support (you can spawn him with single duels and staff).
If you liked the transformers movie (the first, don't know if he was on the second), or just looking for a cool model to use or bot to kill, I would suggest this model.
I even use it at times, as apposed to the DarkenHiNu I usually use.

If enough ppl like it, I would actually like to see this bot server side, or npc spawned, but thats up to council in the end. (I think) ... enzy;84596

PostPosted:Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:11 pm
by BadWolf

wow lol

when i saw this post i was thinking 'incoming *headdesk*' but then i looked at the model in the link and was all :o

it looks good lol, didnt know that was the little guys name tbh XD