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Moderator: Key

 #57273  by ForteGigasGos
I know some of you have asked "why does he want so many custom things."
Well the answer is, cause its more custom, and makes me happy.

Well, my saber hilt request are the ones in this pic
and this vid

I'm more looking for then back to back (connected on the bottoms) for a staff. I would appreciate if someone could make this.

TY in advance.

 #57275  by Akimoto
..uhh horrible pictures. Don't got any better pictures somewhere? @_@

 #57278  by ForteGigasGos
Not really. Sorry.

 #57291  by BadWolf
well, i spose ill take a whack at it, it probly wont be an exact replica due to the lack of actually good refs XD

but unless i do a model replace, which mind you gets old pretty fast, itll have to go through a poll to be added to server

 #57300  by ForteGigasGos
There is one more, 4th attack for this
And they're not even held.

Remembered they were there when I woke up.

 #57311  by BadWolf
fat lot of good a small pixelated image does me :\

ill make due with that black and white line art