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3ds physics animation

PostPosted:Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:24 am
by Akimoto
Added 3 vids:

Please let me know what you think. Also, If you got any ideas what I could try to make with this new... "skill", let me know.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:44 am
by Aayci Warrick
Jedi or sith in a cloak, (no need for a face or anything), igniting a saber?

and if you wanna get fancy, you could add ''Akimoto'' at the end lol

PostPosted:Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:37 pm
by Akimoto
Aayci Warrick wrote:Jedi or sith in a cloak, (no need for a face or anything), igniting a saber?

and if you wanna get fancy, you could add ''Akimoto'' at the end lol
1. Learn to add joints/bones to models
2. Learn to correctly add Mapping (texture) on the model (this is .. complictated - but im learning!)
3. Saber effect - I have not tried this, but I'll find out when I start to look into this :)
4. ...or nvm - i could simply edit current models thats already in JKA :P >< When I feel like it i'll work on this :)

Its a nice idea.. I want to make a lightsaber action scene! (Wouldn't that be awesome?)