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Opinions: Deviant Art Drawings

PostPosted:Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:31 pm
by Akimoto
For the last 2 weeks ive been drawing a little.
I was wondering if anyone know of any GOOD non-googled-found sites where they show good drawings i may attempt to draw to improve my own drawing skill.

Also, I would like to know if I should continue learning and improving - I'm not really sure if i'm fit for ...this... ... wse/scraps

I basicly just scanned everything - without editing. I did however edit 1 which i attempted to color and shade. Ugh hard... it looks crappy.

Well, If I am going to continue drawing I will have to get myself a Pen Table.

Opinions appreciated! (In deviantart or here)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:37 pm
by Zabuza
your art is great :O wish i could draw >_<

PostPosted:Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:43 pm
by Falcon
Yeah you're art is good Aki :) My fav is teh Scythe. Very good detail and shading on that one.

PostPosted:Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:18 am
by Akimoto
Thank you very much!

The scythe was the first object i've ever attempted to color & shade... I wish I could make a more metallic effect on the blade and more 'leathery' effect on the handle... I am going to buy some proper drawing equipment!

(I'm going away for 2 days - gonna train on an island ^^)

EDIT: Back.