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Chat Filter including different languages?

PostPosted:Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:38 pm
by Aayci Warrick
The other day Rav was on and she was adding words to the chat filter and we were trying to think of words that could be used as insults and should be blocked, I'm not sure if the chat filter is down right now, but a couple words slip out (ie b*tch, sh*t) , so maybe we should make a couple more changes!

Considering there has been ton of Russians and other non english players getting on I thought it might be useful if we could add a couple key russian cuss words to the list if possible.

There have been many times when your trying to deal with a lamer, and they don't speak english, it can get very frustrating, and luckily sometimes they just RQ. But often they speak gibberish and if other Russian speaking KR or players are on they warn us that they're saying cuss words and other angry things

So if there are going to be so many non english speaking foreigners on, we should adapt and stop them from cussing, it'll just make things a little bit easier for us. :) (*cough*cough*oraddnormalrussianwordssotheygetsilencedandcantspeakanyrussianatall*cough*cough*)

Is there anybody out there that can supply us with some main cuss words? lol

PostPosted:Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:54 pm
by RaVeN
I'm not gonna touch this again. Last time I did I broked KR

PostPosted:Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:04 am
by Starcomand
lol @ rav if anyone knows any of these words PM me them and ill put on server

PostPosted:Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:39 pm
by KatanaHero
i can support you with some german cuss words.

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:48 am
by Cross
and i can support you with all POLISH cuss words 8)

tho no longer I can call ayzmon my H0^ anymore then in polish...:( ahh well.

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:27 am
by Akimoto
I can provide norwegian cuss words if needed ^_^

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:37 am
by Starcomand
pm them to me here

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:20 am
by Akimoto
Starcomand wrote:pm them to me here
I have sendt you a PM with a small list of Norwegian cuss words ^_^;

(Or atleast I think i've sendt a PM. Let me know if you have not received my PM!)

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:55 am
by Fazz
couldnt you just upload the english language into it, with all slang like lol, then just make it so anythin else apart from that is blocked?

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:26 am
by Akimoto
Would be awesome If we had one day with letters such as 'E' and 'A' blocked from the server ^_^

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:49 pm
by jawfin
Fazz there are 500,000 words in the English language as it is a pastiche of many other languages, and that is besides scientific words and slang.

Most of us use 3,000 words in day to day speech, but sometimes there is only one word that can best describe an emotion or event, and I for one would be quite upset if I went to use such a word and got a swear warning.

A list of acceptable words only would be too iconoclastic, and I doubt if JA+ can be employed in such a way anyway.

PostPosted:Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:56 pm
by ShadowMan
Hmm.. we don't get many finns in the server so I don't think blocking finnish cuss words will be needed.

PostPosted:Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:42 am
by FlapJack23
I would recommend against blocking every word except for the words in an English dictionary. Besides the problems with spelling and abbreviations, there's another problem. Have you ever read 1984 (Newspeak)?

PostPosted:Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:56 am
by jawfin
double plus ungood

PostPosted:Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:35 am
by Falcon
Jawfin wrote:double plus ungood