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PostPosted:Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:41 pm
by Aayci Warrick
I know this has been discussed before, but is it alright to rename padawans that have JAplus? I think it's certainly reasonable, if the people have played long enough and aren't noobs enough to know how to download and install JA+. It makes sense that a padawan with JA+ can be a pro-lamer or flamer. And obviously if they have JA+ they're capable of renaming themselves if they don't like the name they've been renamed to.
Renaming padawans without JAplus isn't what I'm asking for, because they're usually noobs and renaming them would confuse them and wouldn't know what was going on.
I usually rename them to something simple and similar to Padawan such as ^2GreenPadawan or something similar, not to offend them if they love the name padawan so much that changing it for a couple minutes would make them go crazy.
Anyways, is renaming padawans with ja+ okay? I wouldn't think it's abuse since it's just protecting other players. Also, waiting a couple minutes incase they will rename themselves
PostPosted:Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:10 am
by Kenshin
personally i think its a bad idea, also how cud u tell if they have ja+ or not?
PostPosted:Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:07 am
by Aayci Warrick
Kenshin wrote:personally i think its a bad idea, also how cud u tell if they have ja+ or not?
PostPosted:Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:39 am
by Darfin
No, some people choose to be anonymous.
PostPosted:Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:27 am
by Aayci Warrick
Darfin wrote:No, some people choose to be anonymous.
Why? I can't think of any good reason to be anonymous, unless they've done something bad or will.
PostPosted:Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:18 pm
by Aayci Warrick
I guess nobody has any objections? lol
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:29 am
by Cross
i want some migraine pills :/
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:48 am
by Kakashi.Archive
Atm, seeing as there isnt really a good reason for it besides the fact to help with laming... it probably wouldnt be best to rename people on the server until a council says something in the thread.
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:00 am
by RaVeN
Some people like to use the name Padawan. I personally don't think using that name is punishable since I think it is a valid name. Also others come to the server and later change their name.
But my main point above all others is. I support, write, and approve of rules that make sense, are honorable, but most importantly rules that people will follow evenly and equally.
I can just see some admins being lazy about this while others being very strict to where they'll change the a player's name immediately.
I just don't see this rule being universal for all admins :/
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:33 pm
by Darfin
Aayci Warrick wrote:
Why? I can't think of any good reason to be anonymous, unless they've done something bad or will.
That's their decision. You don't have to understand it. They have the right to be anonymous.
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:20 pm
by Aayci Warrick
RaVeN wrote:I just don't see this rule being universal for all admins :/
Neither are any of the other rules? You shouldn't base whether something becomes a rule or not by depending on if people will follow the rule. Would they not have made the rule that you shouldn't attack a person on the ground if they knew people would have different perspectives on it, with varying amounts of leniency? No, of course they would still make it a rule, and would expect all members to follow it whether or not they did it before.
Afterall, it says in our rules that KR is very strict, so please don't depend on the fact that some will be lazy and some will be strict, everybody is like that for every rule.
and to the statement of people liking to use the name Padawan, that's nice, but what if somebody on the server had the name *ssh*le, we would ask them to rename it, and if they didn't rename it we would ourselves, right? Just because somebody likes to use the name doesn't mean we should ignore it if there's a problem. If they like using the name Padawan that's fine, just not on our server, it shouldn't be a problem, like I said before, it's just a game, what are they hiding? Besides people would still be anonymous if they went from Padawan to Banana.
I know that some people do come on as Padawan and later change their name, so what? They can come on as padawan and we can ask them to rename, if they don't, that's okay. We can just rename them and they can still rename themselves later.
I realize I already lost the battle here since people tend to root for the higher ranked people and the higher ranked people are too proud to change their opinion. But I honestly think your reasons don't have any good explanations to call this tiny rule unjust.
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:31 pm
by Kakashi.Archive
lol aayci... thats really not the case not to mention rather rude...
Unless the "Padawan" in question is laming. there is absolutly no real reason to change there name
If its someone thats from another clan that is just trying to have some piece and quite and rather be seen as a noob, they rather not be harrased by a admin. As long as there following rules they should be allowed to keep there name as is.
If a padawan comes on and doesnt know much bout the game, then if u can teach em how to talk and such and then show them how to change there names thats great, show them how to change there names or u can even do it for them..
Now had you made the arguement. "I think we should have a rule about people being named Padawan on the server, so that people are easer to depict from if there lamers or not, cause if we have 3 padawans on the server besides the numbers next to there name its impossible to type there name in and admin them if needed."
Thats a lagit reason to need to change names... you have absolutly no lagit reason going on here besides renaming them if they have JA+ because they've played for an amount of time.
PostPosted:Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:44 pm
by Aayci Warrick
Alright, let's make that a rule then, although the rule I proposed would probably eradicate that scenario.
Changing the names of people with identical names, such as Padawan
oh and sorry if that statement before insulted any of the higher ranked members, but that's the way it usually works in all ranked systems.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:09 am
by RaVeN
Aayci. You need to double read what you write before you post.
Your above apology doesn't count for anything. You can not go around and just say whatever you want, no matter how disrespectful it is, and then just apologize after it and think that everything is all better. That's bull and you know it, and yes I definitely took that personally, since I'm pretty much the "higher rank" member you're referring to being "too proud".
First off that's flat out insulting, and I believe it's even uncalled for since I was not attacking you in my post.
However you were the one that attacked me for simple stating my opinion.
You might want to double think who is the prideful one here...
Aayci Warrick wrote:Neither are any of the other rules?
This is just a broad attack statement that has no ground and it is wrong, plain and simple. If this is what you really think then I might seriously consider having you retake the admin school because it appears you missed the point of what a KR admin is and does. The admin rules are ones that every admin can and do follow. Sure there are lax admins every now and then and they are punished when caught.
Can you seriously see me punishing an admin for not following this rule you're suggesting?
When I say "a universal rule" I mean the meaning of the rule and why it exists is known clan wide. It doesn't matter if you're a Student or a Council member - everyone knows, for example, what laming is and why it needs to be punished. If you don't punish it than you are encouraging reckless behavior on the server.
Your idea of renameing Padawans does not contribute to an admins duty or to server safety and all around "goodness".
But still, I mean...who cares? Let them hide, let them come on so people think they are nubs. They are not hurting anyone, they are not breaking any of our rules, most of the time they just come on to duel or FFA.
A player with a name that is offensive is breaking rules, that's why we rename. I don't think the word Padawan is offensive to anyone.
Your idea, which as you mentioned before but perhaps do not fully understand, has been brought up many many times. And so far no one has been able to show how this contributes to reckless behavior, discrimination, or how it causes any considerable hassle for the Admins. So far all I hear and see is that it is just an annoyance. One really not worth fighting over.
In the end, Your idea would add to the work load of the admins and in turn most would not follow it.
KR rules are strict within reason. I don't write and approve of rules that most won't follow. That's bad leadership.
I am not prideful, I am logical.
Lastly, I hate having to write posts like this because it makes me seem like I'm attacking you and your idea when in fact I generally encourage ideas. But you forced me to spell out why and why not.
Perhaps next time you shouldn't get so defensive when people do not agree with you.
Do not talk down to me in public. If you have an issue to discuss with me I would prefer you do so through PM.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:04 am
by Sanction
If i may add, what i have noticed on EVERY server i have EVER been on. The only people that use padawan are either laming, or new. Changing their name, while believed to not be a good idea, will prevent problems. Like if we were to have 4 padawans on the server and only 1 is laming. So he/she runs by and lames the guy next to you and runs off and you miss them with gunsleep, so you change up and use the console "/amsleep padawan" and accidentally sleep one of the other padawans minding their own business in a FFA or dueling.
And for the people hiding something or in another clan. Whether their called padawan, banana man, Ineedaname, or Ilikemynamenow it's still anonymous to them, and if they don't like the name they will change it regardless.
As for the new people deciding to come on for the first time that don't know how to talk in chat and whatnot, i'm highly doubtful anyone would abuse this on them deciding to name them something completely vulgar or unnecessary.
If this were to be made a rule, i see quite a few points to it. Besides, I've never seen anyone who knows how to rename name themself padawan unless they are trying to bother/harass the admins. Personal Experience.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:33 am
by echo
I think this is hillarious.
On a sidenote - omg tiddly has 2 ranks
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:42 am
by Grimm
not that i have much credit in these topics but heres a thought:
seems like this thing should be made more of a "where it may apply" kinda guideline rather than a concrete rule. there arent many situations i can think of that can be taken care of without using a simpler method than renaming someone.
if its a problem where one padawan is laming while there are others named padawan on the server, then the admin should be able to get around it easily, ie using target commands that only affect the character in the reticle of the admin.
there seems to be no need to rename someone to make them more identifiable. if theyre laming enough that they need to be marked by changing their name, they should be kicked anyway.
admins should be able to deal with simple noob lamers easily without having to go through a renaming process.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:02 am
by Sanction
gunsleep = reticle sleeping cmd. just aim and hit the button.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:03 am
by Kakashi.Archive
Grimm wrote:not that i have much credit in these topics but heres a thought:
u should know that your thoughts are always welcome grimm

PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:09 am
by Grimm
ya but their not always taken into account with some of these topics, thanks for the welcome hand tho
ya gunsleep...couldnt rememeber what it was called lol, havent used it in forever. in fact, i used gun commands much more often than manual commands when i was admin...much easier to use, kinda like hunting

PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:04 pm
by Kane
On this topic... Hmm well on one level I can see the point Aayci is tying to make and from experience some of the justification in favour of the additional rule fits.
However....I don't see that "We should rename Padawans because they might possibly be a pro lamer in disguise" is enough of a reason for the rule to be put in place. As for the accidental using admin on the wrong person because they have the same name.... well I myself have done this(sry Zab :S) and it aint very fun at all but. If memory serves /amstatus should give you the name + number of everyone on the server.
But anyways should we be assuming just cause someone has a certain name... that they are gonna lame? Its like sleeping on sight someone who has the name IamaLamer, ILame4Fun, Mr AdminPest or GotLamez etc etc
My point is we should only use admin on those who need it to be used... if their name is offensive then by all means use /amrename but just cause they have the name Padawan?? I would advise if its truely a bother to you to just ask them to change their name and explain how they may do so if they don't seem to know themselves.
So for the record, I'm not totally against your idea in principle its a good idea. But I just can't see enough justification for it to be put into practice.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:25 pm
by RaVeN
Tiddlywinks wrote:If i may add, what i have noticed on EVERY server i have EVER been on. The only people that use padawan are either laming, or new. Changing their name, while believed to not be a good idea, will prevent problems. Like if we were to have 4 padawans on the server and only 1 is laming. So he/she runs by and lames the guy next to you and runs off and you miss them with gunsleep, so you change up and use the console "/amsleep padawan" and accidentally sleep one of the other padawans minding their own business in a FFA or dueling.
I'm not attacking you Tid, but that is a general statement. General statements do not win debates or arguments, if anything they only further divide the conversation.
All black people like fried chicken, all white people can't dance, all players that join as Padawan will lame or they are new.
Tiddlywinks wrote:The only people that use padawan are either laming, or new.
"Most" would have been a better choice and prob what you meant to say. However, I would argue that actually from my perspective most of the Padawans are not lamers but actually really good fighters that are looking to fool some players into thinking they are new. After they win a couple of easy duels they leave and go to another server to win more easy duels.
I guess this is entertaining to some people. Who knows.
Naturally, there are the bad ones that do lame and whatnot, but most of what I've observed from our server and other servers this is not the majority.
So now this argument is about perspectives...which is a dead end argument since we have moved off facts.
For the second part of your points above:
If the admin uses /amstatus - which assigns a number to the IP address of each player on the server (A tool taught in the admin school) this is not an issue.
So instead of /amsleep padawan - you would do /amsleep 3 and get the right rule breaker every time.
Also, if the rule breaker changes their name to padawan to avoid admin punishment - then since they are a rule breaker you could change their name via /amrename. But /amstatus would be much easier imo.
Drat, Kane beat me to the /amstatus thingy. :/
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:37 pm
by Kane
I did /ampwned Raven

But you did explain it better than I did

PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:14 pm
by RaVeN
Also just as an add-on and further explanation about why some rules are approved while others are not.
There are two main types of rules in KR:
Control rules - which are used to control the server to how we, the KR clan, likes it to be.
And Member rules - which are rules you, the member, agree to obey inorder to have the tags next to your name. Just like if you were joining a club in real life.
It's an agreement between both parties. We offer you a fun safe place to play, a place to post your opinions, ideas, things to share, we offer also an RPG aspect, friendship. We offer both teaching and learning opportunities, even leadership opportunities for those that are interested and proven.
In exchange we (the whole clan) asks that you, the member, follow our rules to what we think how KR member should act and behave.
None of them are hard, and I think the individual member, for what they are getting in return, is getting the better part of the deal
But it takes members to support the exchange. If we have 20+ members the environment is more enjoyable and you get more out of the clan. If we only have 5's...well...
Attacking on the ground is one of these rules. We hold that KR is an honorable clan. "Don't kick someone when they are down" is one of the most famous tenants of being honorable.
If you are skilled enough then you can best someone face to face and not have to resort to cheap attacks like attacking them on the ground.
Your opponent knowing that they had every opportunity to beat you - realizing that it was their mistakes, their weaknesses, and your skill that took them down.
That's a true victory. And I can't think of a victory that could be better or more satisfying.
That's what we want each of your victories to be like, and we offer a chance to teach you how to make it so. That's the KR way.
PostPosted:Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:54 pm
by dent
just to add one more thing, if there are 2 or more ppl named padawan, the number after one of their names is their /amstatus number, so unless its the original padawan u dont even have to amstatus