my first one for wand. he didnt like it but i thought it wasnt bad for a first attempt, the text is messed up tho.....

made for my friend morgan wen i was bored....wen i first got the program and couldnt stop using it

wands oredered sig, the supreme kickass sig i made. this one, morgans, and my pixy one i think are my top 3

another sig made for my friend, new brushes, but no effects on the background, not the best

sigs made for wen iwas sls, top one i think is better.

sig for wands friend he wanted me to make. i think the background came out really good. the picture on the right took about an hour to trace out with the lasso cuz of the stupid background WAND!!!

another sig i made wen i was bored. kinda half done, just made it for anyone that may want it.

anyone who saw my first one wen i first started posting under grimm, its the same one with a different background and different text.

made for the name pixy. this is one of my favorites, the text coveres up the Galm logo, but there isnt much room on the canvas. still trying to work with it some more to make it better.

another one i made wen i was bored. its not complete. i was gonna use the pics wand gave me of kairi, then i was gonna try to use a pic of namine for his celina sig, but he didnt want to. so after having these 2 pics for a while, i finally did something with them, but its still not completely done, background needs work.

OMFG I JUST ANIMATED SOMETHING!! i never used to like animation, but i gave it a try anyway, i think it came out pretty good if i do ssay so myself

i absolutely love the way this came out. im a huge fan of black and white and the render was perfect for an all greyscale sig. made for shadow on his request post. the only thing i dont like is the background, its a big weird, but i will work with it to make it better. this is definately good, one of my best, but its still open for editing, maybe a bit of animation

just made this, took sooooo long to figure out the PNG thing, but i got it down. my first attempt to make a sig that pops out of the background. not the greatest, and again, black and white RULES!!!

ED: found some errors in the gun cut out and bottom of pic. going back to remake and see wut i can do, its a tough render....red areas locate wut im talkin about

edited it up. looks a bit better. the gun is much better but there wasnt much i could do for the bottom, i just cut it to make a point :\ at least its a bit better

just made this wen i was bored. stil trying to develop that new grunge style blade. so far i think its doing well. i got this nice pic of roxas and thought i do something with it...

concept sig made for ivy wen i was bored. was trying out new text effects in her name, she has some of the best pics and quotes that would go with her name, so i thought id give it a shot. as usual, background isnt top quality but i think the rest is good

for miras leaving day

sig made for alis bday, thought the renders came out nice. they were crystal clear, some of the best ones ive seen. background i think came out good too for being kinda hurried between open internet and trying to host it actually on her bday

kakashis ordered sig, came out pretty nice....

made for my friends paintball forums. used to have his name in blood text (ivy sig type text) in the top left but he didnt want it so i took it off. still have to ask him wut the portugese flag symbolizes....

my fake emo sig

used the same squall render and the lightning background effect. this is one of the best ones ive made i think. i just need to work with the text abit more

made for darfin, not too bad, lots of background layers

my company symbol

my sig with my custom classic white G and black rimm. my color scheme since ive owned JA

my new avatar, taken from a very nice image of rku. kinda new with the wings...

sig for paine, shes my favorite character in final fantasy x-2. more to come including Toph, KOS-MOS and Ziggy/MOMO

well heres the KOS-MOS one, i absolutely love it, its another new style. u will definately be seeing more like these, prolly with the other characters listed above

the promised toph sig. the entire thing was built around her eyes, the text and the border are the same color as her eyes. i showed this to my friend who loves avatar and she loves it, as do i. does it not pull off the "i absolutely love her when she smiles" look? i did use the paradox motto "mess with the best die like the rest" i thought it was fitting, hope no 1 gets mad...

and the last of the bunch. tried to switch up the background but it didnt come out as well :/ still looks good tho, the renders came out well

my most recent one, i had an inspiration for an angel sig so i made this and i think it came out great.

another new one made with the new Photoshop CS3. made with an incredible render from www.planetrenders.com

made for Azula, another one of my favorite girls from avatar, shes such a bitch but shes awesome, i love how the blue flames came out.

what better to follow azula then her brother. there was so much i had to put in this sig that i think im gonna make a new sig thats much bigger, like 800 x 600 and have most of zukos life written into it using pictures and slogans. though ill prolly have to wait a while for the time to do it.

an ordered sig for my friend in hamilton. came out pretty good cept nothin special, a bit plane. im trying to expirament with more vivid stuff and its not wokring out too well.... :/

made this one after a loooong break from photoshop. felt real good to come back and make them. this is one ive been wanting to do for a while and i love the text, makes the effect alot stronger.

same one as above, but with rain style, looks a lot more dramatic

redid wands sig with "modern" ideas, abilities, skills, and knowledge

sam fisher sig made becuz of the sudden realization that i had seen the coolest poster for jekyll and hyde wen i was about 4...and now i realized that it was perfect for the sig. that quote is from jekyll and hyde the musical.

a sig made for no reason wutsoever in graphic design at 8:28 in the morning. phoshop elements sucks....

i found an old tutorial that i had used a while ago and decided to put it to use to another avatar sig. not as good as the toph or zuko sig, but not too bad...

the voice actor for Uncle Iroh died after the second season

made for a guy at the nintendo wifi forums, came out really nice

a sig i spent some time on, a good 2 hours with some new brushes and effects. i like it altho it was being a bit stubborn about some lighting issues....

:O :O :O. nothing else to say cept i love that feather tool....

hopefully gonna stay as my new sig if i dont make something better, i ran out of text styles so i looked one up and got this awesome effect.

i was determined to get senbon zakura's petals floating around byakuya and i finally accomplished it and this is the result. EDIT: i was able to get back to my windows and run akvis enhancer on it, so this is the new updated version

my first sig since a long artist block. im gonna fiddle around with it more, but for now i like it

sig i made n digital photography class with photoshop elements. im gonna bring it into CS2 and finish it up later
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Last edited by Grimm on Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:18 pm, edited 84 times in total.