My personal script
PostPosted:Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:13 am
// generated by Delev, do not modify.
set z1 "cg_fov 1 ; set pzoom vstr z2 ; set nxtzoom vstr z1"
set z2 "cg_fov 2 ; set pzoom vstr z3 ; set nxtzoom vstr z1"
set z3 "cg_fov 3 ; set pzoom vstr z4 ; set nxtzoom vstr z2"
set z4 "cg_fov 4 ; set pzoom vstr z5 ; set nxtzoom vstr z3"
set z5 "cg_fov 5 ; set pzoom vstr z6 ; set nxtzoom vstr z4"
set z6 "cg_fov 10 ; set pzoom vstr z7 ; set nxtzoom vstr z5"
set z7 "cg_fov 12 ; set pzoom vstr z8 ; set nxtzoom vstr z6"
set z8 "cg_fov 15 ; set pzoom vstr z9 ; set nxtzoom vstr z7"
set z9 "cg_fov 20 ; set pzoom vstr z10 ; set nxtzoom vstr z8"
set z10 "cg_fov 25 ; set pzoom vstr z11 ; set nxtzoom vstr z9"
set z11 "cg_fov 30 ; set pzoom vstr z12 ; set nxtzoom vstr z10"
set z12 "cg_fov 35 ; set pzoom vstr z13 ; set nxtzoom vstr z11"
set z13 "cg_fov 40 ; set pzoom vstr z14 ; set nxtzoom vstr z12"
set z14 "cg_fov 45 ; set pzoom vstr z15 ; set nxtzoom vstr z13"
set z15 "cg_fov 50 ; set pzoom vstr z16 ; set nxtzoom vstr z14"
set z16 "cg_fov 55 ; set pzoom vstr z17 ; set nxtzoom vstr z15"
set z17 "cg_fov 60 ; set pzoom vstr z18 ; set nxtzoom vstr z16"
set z18 "cg_fov 65 ; set pzoom vstr z19 ; set nxtzoom vstr z17"
set z19 "cg_fov 70 ; set pzoom vstr z20 ; set nxtzoom vstr z18"
set z20 "cg_fov 75 ; set pzoom vstr z21 ; set nxtzoom vstr z19"
set z21 "cg_fov 80 ; set pzoom vstr z22 ; set nxtzoom vstr z20"
set z22 "cg_fov 85 ; set pzoom vstr z23 ; set nxtzoom vstr z21"
set z23 "cg_fov 90 ; set pzoom vstr z24 ; set nxtzoom vstr z22"
set z24 "cg_fov 95 ; set pzoom vstr z25 ; set nxtzoom vstr z23"
set z25 "cg_fov 100 ; set pzoom vstr z25 ; set nxtzoom vstr z24"
//starting point
set pzoom "vstr z22"
set nxtzoom "vstr z20"
//makes sure the starting points are right
vstr z21
//zoom in
bind home "echo ^1Zooming ^1In^3... ; vstr nxtzoom ;play sound/interface/zoomloop.wav"
//zoom out
bind end "echo ^1Zooming ^1Out^3... ; vstr pzoom ; play sound/interface/zoomloop.wav"
//default zoom
bind del "vstr z25; play sound/interface/zoomend.wav ; echo ^4Default"
//Laming Script
bind f8 "vstr NXT_Say"
bind f7 "vstr EXE_Say"
bind f6 "vstr PRV_Say"
seta Say_1 "echo ^7No Laming.; set EXE_Say say No Laming. Laming is attacking someone with saber down/chatbubble up. This applies in duels.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_11; set NXT_Say vstr Say_2"
seta Say_2 "echo ^7Report Lamers.; set EXE_Say say Report Lamers in the console by doing SHIFT and ~ at the same time, then typing /amsay (Lamer´s name) lamed; set PRV_Say vstr Say_1; set NXT_Say vstr Say_3"
seta Say_3 "echo ^7Melee is a Free Kill.; set EXE_Say say Melee Can be used as a weapon, therefore if you are attacked with melee up, it is not considered laming.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_2; set NXT_Say vstr Say_4"
seta Say_4 "echo ^7Flipkicking.; set EXE_Say say If you flipkick someone with saber up, You are starting a fight. Therefore, if you are attacked by someone you just flipkicked, It is not considered laming.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_3; set NXT_Say vstr Say_5"
seta Say_5 "echo ^7Revenge Laming.; set EXE_Say say Revenge Laming is not allowed. Revenge laming is when you lame someone who just lamed you. Don't do it, Report the lame instead.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_4; set NXT_Say vstr Say_6"
seta Say_6 "echo ^7Bad Language.; set EXE_Say say Watch your language. Swearing, Flaming, Racism, Adult Reference, or Spamming is NOT allowed.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_5; set NXT_Say vstr Say_7"
seta Say_7 "echo ^7Flaming.; set EXE_Say say Flaming is the use of insults or swear words towards a player, such as You suck, Piss off, etc. Flaming is NOT allowed.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_6; set NXT_Say vstr Say_8"
seta Say_8 "echo ^7Foreign Language.; set EXE_Say say This is an english only server, Please use different languages in private messages only.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_7; set NXT_Say vstr Say_9"
seta Say_9 "echo ^7Sabers off.; set EXE_Say say Keep sabers off under the safezone. Safezones include Arches, Ledges, etc.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_8; set NXT_Say vstr Say_10"
seta Say_10 "echo ^7Godchat.; set EXE_Say say Do not abuse Godchat. Godchat is when you are attacked when you have chatbubble up and do not take damage.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_9; set NXT_Say vstr Say_11"
seta Say_11 "echo ^7Taunt spamming.; set EXE_Say say Do not taunt spam.; set PRV_Say vstr Say_10; set NXT_Say vstr Say_1"
vstr Say_1
//KR Server Ip's. See down bottom on how to add to this list.
seta KRI01 "set MKR1 vstr KRI02; Say ^7KR1 Server IP:, Do /Connect for easy access."
seta KRI02 "set MKR1 vstr KRI01; Say_team ^7KR2 Server IP:
//KR Server Status Checkers. See down bottom on how to add to this list.
seta KRII01 "set MKR2 vstr KRII02; Serverstatus
seta KRII02 "set MKR2 vstr KRII01; Serverstatus
bind [ "vstr PRV_Song"
bind ] "vstr NXT_Song"
bind f "vstr EXE_Song"
set Song_1 "echo ^5Sasuke's ^5Destiny.; set EXE_Song !playsearch Sasuke's Destiny; set PRV_Song vstr Song_16; set NXT_Song vstr Song_2"
set Song_2 "echo ^5Daylight ^5of ^5Konoha; set EXE_Song !playsearch Daylight of Konoha; set PRV_Song vstr Song_1; set NXT_Song vstr Song_3"
set Song_3 "echo ^5Kakashi's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Kakashi's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_2; set NXT_Song vstr Song_4"
set Song_4 "echo ^5Sasuke's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Sasuke's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_3; set NXT_Song vstr Song_5"
set Song_5 "echo ^5Shikamaru's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Shikamaru's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_4; set NXT_Song vstr Song_6"
set Song_6 "echo ^5Zabuza's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Zabuza's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_5; set NXT_Song vstr Song_7"
set Song_7 "echo ^5Naruto's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Naruto's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_6; set NXT_Song vstr Song_8"
set Song_8 "echo ^5Gaara's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Gaara's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_7; set NXT_Song vstr Song_9"
set Song_9 "echo ^5Orochimaru's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Orochimaru's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_8; set NXT_Song vstr Song_10"
set Song_10 "echo ^5Sakura's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Sakura's theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_9; set NXT_Song vstr Song_11"
set Song_11 "echo ^5Delarious!; set EXE_Song !playsearch Delarious; set PRV_Song vstr Song_10; set NXT_Song vstr Song_12"
set Song_12 "echo ^5Sasuke's ^5battle ^5with ^5Orochimaru; set EXE_Song !playsearch battle with Orochimaru; set PRV_Song vstr Song_11; set NXT_Song vstr Song_13"
set Song_13 "echo ^5Through ^5the ^5fire ^5and ^5flames; set EXE_Song !playsearch through the fire and flames; set PRV_Song vstr Song_12; set NXT_Song vstr Song_14"
set Song_14 "echo ^5Lemon ^5Demon: ^5The ^5Ultimate ^5Showdown ^5of ^5Ultimate ^5Destiny; set EXE_Song !playsearch Ultimate Showdown; set PRV_Song vstr Song_13; set NXT_Song vstr Song_15"
set Song_15 "echo ^5Hyrule ^5Field; set EXE_Song !playsearch Hyrule Field; set PRV_Song vstr Song_14; set NXT_Song vstr Song_16"
set Song_16 "echo ^5Zelda's ^5Theme; set EXE_Song !playsearch Zelda's Theme; set PRV_Song vstr Song_15; set NXT_Song vstr Song_1"
set PRV_Song "vstr Song_16"
set NXT_Song "vstr Song_2"
set EXE_Song "vstr Song_1"
//Force Binds
seta forcetoggle1 "bind f6 force_heal; bind f5 force_absorb; bind f1 force_throw; bind f2 force_pull; bind f3 force_speed; bind f4 force_seeing; bind f7 force_distract; bind f8 force_protect; bind f9 +force_grip; bind f10 +force_lightning; bind f11 +force_drain; bind f12 force_rage; echo ^3Force ^3on^1.; set forcetoggle vstr forcetoggle2"
seta forcetoggle2 "set forcetoggle vstr forcetoggle1; exec delev"
set forcetoggle "vstr forcetoggle1"
sensitivity 4.5
seta model "npj2/head_o1|torso_os1|lower_1h"
seta r_dynamicGlow 0
seta g_dismember "1"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_drawFPS "1"
seta rate "25000"
seta cg_fov 100
seta cl_yawspeed "-1000"
seta s_musicvolume "0.25"
seta name "^1-^4[^2KR^4]^1-^2Ð^4e^1l^4e^2v"
seta rate "65000"
seta snaps "50"
seta com_maxfps "85"
seta broadsword "250"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
bind A +moveleft
bind B amwait
bind C "+movedown"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+button12"
//bind F (Used)
//bind G
bind H amhug
bind I amatease
//bind J
bind K "engage_duel"
bind L "flourish"
bind M "amflip"
bind N "taunt"
//bind 0
bind P "cg_thirdperson !"
bind Q "+button2"
bind R "+use"
bind S "+back"
bind T "messagemode"
bind U "messagemode3"
bind V "amneo"
bind W "+forward"
bind X SaberAttackCycle
bind Y "messagemode2"
//bind Z
bind = "Say_team_mod clan"
bind F1 exec Bind1.cfg
bind F2 exec Bind2.cfg
bind F3 exec Bind3.cfg
bind F4 "say ^2Melee is considered a weapon, therefore if you are attacked with melee up, it is not considered laming."
bind F5 "say ^2lol"
//bind F6 (used)
//bind F7 (used)
//bind F8 (used)
//bind F9 (used)
//bind F10 (used)
//bind F11 (used)
//bind F12
bind 0 "vstr MKR1"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
//bind 2
bind 3 "amghost"
bind 4 "amprotect"
//bind 5
//bind 6
//bind 7
bind 8 vstr MKR1
bind 9 "vstr MSS"
set MKR1 "vstr KRI01"
set MKR2 "vstr KRII01"
set MSS "vstr SS01"
//bind KP_END
//bind KP_HOME
//bind KP_PGUP
//bind KP_PHDN
//bind KP_5
//bind +
//bind \
//bind ,
bind . "vstr forcetoggle"
bind - "soundstop"
bind < "force_seeing"
bind TAB +scores
bind SHIFT +speed
bind CTRL +movedown
bind ENTER +use
bind PGUP invnext
bind PGDN invprev
bind ALT +altattack
bind MWHEELUP weapnext
bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev
bind MOUSE1 +attack
bind MOUSE2 +moveup
bind MOUSE3 +altattack
//The Saber Switches. See down bottom on how to add to this list.
seta SS01 "set MSS vstr SS02; saber kyle; echo ^1Next ^1Switch ^1Is ^1Duals^3."
seta SS02 "set MSS vstr SS03; saber kyle kyle; echo ^1Next ^1Switch ^1Is ^1Staff^3."
seta SS03 "set MSS vstr SS01; saber dual_5; echo ^1Next ^1Switch ^1Is ^1Single^3."
Yep. My personal script, posted cus i got bored