Who's at what rank?

 #3669  by Starcomand
good luck wanderer u will need it lol jk

 #3670  by Lessa
Good luck you two XD

 #3674  by Wolferion
Yeah, you will need big luck and strenght, Wand =)

Good luck you two :twisted:

 #3678  by GRYPHON
*grabs wand around the collar* you listen to me bish.. im the only teachers pet around here..

 #3713  by Wanderer
Lol guys, ive been Ravens paddy b4, i know shes the best(even tho she wont admit it)

Im glad taht i could be trained by raven again, but im wondering, am i startin were i left off? or will i have to wait for my knight trial....

 #3723  by Wanderer
wow, i cant belive i gave up everything...

3 weeks ago iwas JUST about to take my knight trial...now...im as gewd as a padawan...

 #3728  by GRYPHON
yeh.. *grumbles* u lucky bish :(

 #3744  by Wanderer
lol gryh

many newe ppls in KR dont realize that iim a pretty old memer, or was b4 i quit.

and i say i feel like a paddy bc i have no admin, so cant do anything on the server yet, and ive droped a rank(or tech. two) so i feel powerless

 #3783  by Scythe
no u weren't.... compared to some ur still pretty new..

 #3798  by Milamber
i think u guys focus to much on rank O.o personally ive never found rank as a restraining, i mean ive argued and been doing stuff when i was noob rank before... i mean i get ppl upset about me but they just end up accepting it.... i mean... u guys have accepted my behaviour right? see? point proven

 #3800  by Squall
why do you want admin wanderer? it gets boring once used and to be honest there isnt that many lamers on the server at all. admin is a tool not a plesure. im not saying u would use it that way but seriously. admin means nothing, i would rather not use it to be honest, i had 3 servers with top admin on each .....once u use it it does get very boring, yes theres a rush but....o.O thats it nothing else. and to be honest i think i can agree with milamber here. rank isnt everything, i was an even older member than you wand and i was leader of a clan for 2 striaght years and now im a student....it doesnt matter to me what rank iam as long as im dueling and having fun.....take it from a different view your looking at it all wrong.

 #3803  by Melissa
Yeah i concur

I was too tpo admin on those servers and while its a handy tool its a bit of a pain especially if you just want to play.

re joining or should I say applicating for a join to KR or the JA community again I have absolutleey no interest in Rank or administration.

The way i seen it I have been there ran a successful clan with many others which still exists under different games and to be honest i want to just play the game now..

I personally dont care if I stay at the bottom of teh roster for my entire time here.

Rank doesnt nessesarily mean you are a more powerful person or wiser, however the leaders are probably (if it was at all like how the JA UoL leaders were picked) picked ecause of their commitment and wise level headedness..

As long as you are wise and level headed you have all the power you require

edit and my purose of returing is to enjoy the game and to be part of the community which I onces used to really enjoy.. :)

 #3804  by Akimoto
Wanderer wrote:lol gryh

many newe ppls in KR dont realize that iim a pretty old memer, or was b4 i quit.

and i say i feel like a paddy bc i have no admin, so cant do anything on the server yet, and ive droped a rank(or tech. two) so i feel powerless
Gives the impression you are in KR for admin, doesn't it? :?

 #3807  by Squall
i remember alot of new people used to be like that lol hell i even was if i remember correctly lol :D but lamers have really gone below me :S i dont mind them and yes i might get angry but if i had admin i probably wouldnt use it to disicplin him i would just beat him in a duel.

 #3809  by Scythe
heh ^^; i was givin top admin for a server, but all i did was spam. Don't get me wrong =P that was actually my job, the person was testing a new system he was making (like JA+, but in his eyes better) but yeah... i still agree with blade, there's the rush then the passion is gone.... so if ur doing it just for admin u should be struck down by lightning a few several times... main point... enjoy the game not the tool

 #3829  by Wanderer

holy crap, everyones so jumpy latley... ididnt meen it that way. I ment to say that i feel useless and powerless on the server bc ive been used to having admin and being able to take care of lamers, now i have to find an admin and tell them to help me controll the lamer...

bottem line, im in KR for KR, not power...

 #3831  by Squall
no offence wand but you just made it seem like your in kr for it again.....sorry but thats my opinion

"I ment to say that i feel useless and powerless on the server bc ive been used to having admin and being able to take care of lamers, now i have to find an admin and tell them to help me controll the lamer... "

made it a tad worse, but i think we understand what you mean, its just its comming out wrong. lol

 #3833  by Melissa
well i wasnt jumpy I was just saying like blade u dont need admin to feel powerful etc.. i understand u do not have a tool to not deal with them

but u as an individual certain are enough to of a tool to yoursel prevail and be a useful addition

knowledge is power and all

 #3840  by Wanderer

sorry, but evryones been attacking me latley and i cant take anymore....*trys to controll himself* can sm1 lock the post now?

 #3841  by Tricky
I'm pretty sure you're being paranoid. No one is attacking you. In fact, they're using gentle words, if that makes sense.

 #3852  by Melissa

This place is rather tense