Yeah i concur
I was too tpo admin on those servers and while its a handy tool its a bit of a pain especially if you just want to play.
re joining or should I say applicating for a join to KR or the JA community again I have absolutleey no interest in Rank or administration.
The way i seen it I have been there ran a successful clan with many others which still exists under different games and to be honest i want to just play the game now..
I personally dont care if I stay at the bottom of teh roster for my entire time here.
Rank doesnt nessesarily mean you are a more powerful person or wiser, however the leaders are probably (if it was at all like how the JA UoL leaders were picked) picked ecause of their commitment and wise level headedness..
As long as you are wise and level headed you have all the power you require
edit and my purose of returing is to enjoy the game and to be part of the community which I onces used to really enjoy..

And was Jerusalem builded here amongst those dark satanic mills