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Single saber user, skip blue style

PostPosted:Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:50 am
by jawfin
Ok, I use blue, its great fun, but the some players don't like it and I've developed this script for them. Bind your saber style change key in the script below.
bind L "vstr sacc"
seta setred "echo ^1Red; set sacc vstr sacy"
seta sacy "saberattackcycle; com_maxfps 30; wait 25; com_maxfps 350; saberattackcycle; echo ^3Yellow; set sacc vstr sacr"
seta sacr "saberattackcycle; vstr setred"
vstr setred
Now run this script while you are currently in red style; if you lose synch by pressing too quickly then simple double press that key again to restore your synch.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:25 pm
by Delev
Nice job mate o.o

PostPosted:Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:38 pm
by BadWolf
hmm, interesting, i dont have a use for it though :D since my saber style is technically 2 keys, the mousewheel ^^

PostPosted:Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:08 pm
by Darfin
He original developed this for me :lol:
Quite useful :D

PostPosted:Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:51 am
by echo
Darfin wrote:He original developed this for me :lol:
Quite useful :D

figures you lazy bum.

noice script jaw.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:23 pm
by Akimoto
To be honest, i don't see the use for this :p

i get this 'flashlight powered by sun energy' idea again...

PostPosted:Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:30 pm
by jawfin
With single saber, if you wish to skip from red to yellow you obviously have to press the style button twice, and still wait 0.8 of a second in between styles. Also, if you swing a tad bit too early you'll be going in with blue. As JKA is a game of timing we shouldn't be making that kind of mistake anyway, but this script simply removing the thinking of something that shouldn't actually need thinking about.
Again, as I said, I don't use it, and it was written by request.
In actual fact you could say 'i don't see the use for this' for pretty much every script there is.
BTW: I have solar powered lights in the garden, they're really good at night, when the sun isn't, go figure.