Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #37331  by RaVeN
I’m sure some of you have heard some talk about 2012. If you haven’t…then you will start hearing it more and more as we move closer to 2012.

For those that don’t know here is a quick background:
2012 is going to be a year of some great change in our world…supposedly.

Some think it will be the end of the world (due to many factors.)

Some think it will be a time of MAJOR change for the human race.

Others think Jesus is coming back

Still others think Aliens are coming (back).

Why is 2012 so important?
What started all this talk about 2012? Well actually 2012 talk has been going on for a long time. The Mayan calendar (which is more accurate then our own modern calendar as it doesn’t require a leap year) will end on December 21, 2012. Why is that important? Well their calendar has been accurate about many things so far, so people invest a lot of trust in it. Why would the Mayan’s, who appear to be more mathematically adept than the rest of the world at that time, make a calendar with such a specific end date?

Some think that’s when the Mayan God (some white hair pale humanoid person) will come back. He/she was the one that taught them everything they knew. (Enter Alien and Jesus theory.)

A time of major change for humanity: Some think 2012 will mark the next big step in evolution. We will…do something mentally haha. I don’t really know this part of the talk because I just don’t see how yet. But there are people out there who think we are all about to go through some major change physically. If someone knows more about this then speak up.

End of the world…as we know it - Planet X:
Planet X is probably the most talked about thing besides the Mayan calendar when referring to 2012. What is Planet X? Well..we don’t know, and that’s the scary part. What do we know? We know is it about 5 to 10 times the size of Earth and it is moving to the center of our solar system. Some think it is a dwarf star or star-like (with the possibility of turning into a star with the right ignition). No one is 100% sure on this thing though. But supposedly by 2010 we will be able to see it in the night sky. By 2011 it will be like a 2nd sun. By 2012…? ... re=related

End of the world, part 2: Wait…there is something else we have to worry about? Yep. But first a quick background/reminder about our galaxy. We live in a solar system with our sun and fellow planets, but outside out solar system is our galaxy. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of our galaxy before. Well at the center of our Galaxy is a massive black hole (yep so we are screwed anyway…but not for billions and billions of years don’t worry.) We all revolve around our sun which revolves around this black hole. Well in 2012 the sun and the black hole will align with us. Apparently, this is not a good thing. All of that gravity pulling on us will cause some kind of effects here on earth. If the moon (being small in comparison to our sun and this massive black hole) is enough to change the tides on our planet what will the two gravity powers of the sun and the black hole do?

Well Scientists don’t know…There are so many uncertainties that prevent them from accurately judging/calculating anything outside our solar system. That and…well this has never happened before. Most don’t think it will be the end of the world, but some do think “Something” will happen…oh and we will feel it.

End of the world part 3: Oh ya, and there is a big asteroid out there and, yes you guessed it, it is coming right for us.

Other than all those 2012 should be a good year.

For more info (as I just literally touched on everything) google 2012, youtube 2012, wiki 2012.

Have a good end of the world ^.^
Last edited by RaVeN on Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #37333  by echo

I don't care what happens lol, just let it happen and deal with it...

unless we all die, in which case you can't deal with it o.0

 #37335  by Kakashi.Archive
^ lol echo

but on a serious note, i truthfully dont belive in the whole 2012 thing not to go against you raven.

I am christan but to an extent, and i do not belive god is coming back, i dont think the world will end, but its possible that in the next 4 years there could be modifications to this world that could change how it functions from 2012 and up. who knows truthfully, no one will know until we get there. And guess what thats 4 years from now, so if the world is going to end, no jokes intended, enjoy life while its still around.

And i luled at the end post remark ra xD

but anyways. Thats just my short side to this im sure there are many that agree and deeply disagree to what i said.

 #37337  by DarkLink
Raven you missed one... there's this "spider bot" program thing that's been crawling the internet searching for threats and stuff... well it agrees there's going to be something massive on 2012 like the end of the world... some think the internet will end.. what will we do with ourselves?

 #37341  by Darko
I've never heard of Planet X. Why?

 #37344  by Melissa
I am sure we had this same topic about 2 months ago?

So after the 2012 one whats the next one

we have had loads over the years

I remember 1997 it was all predicted asteroid and nostradum writing pointed to end of the world

2000 millenium bug etc

Do not believe any of it, if it happens it will happen.

I think a Nuclear war is the most likeley to wipe us all out..

I can make a prediction on that

 #37346  by RaVeN
Darko wrote:I've never heard of Planet X. Why?
Is that a real question? I can't tell. Only thing I have to say haven't been paying attention to space stuff since 1992?

Anyway...I dont believe in all this conspiracy theory stuff, but it's fun to talk about. Some of my friends find it funny to scare us all with this stuff.

Some of it is stupid, some of it is interesting, and some of it is scary.

like a said before, google it.

Choose yourself if you believe it or not. Either way we are all going to find out shortly.

But as we get closer and closer you will be hearing about it more and more.

 #37348  by DarkLink
I've been hearing about planet X for awhile... although not the way rav described it.... It was supposedly going to be this new planet added to the solar system... but they decided to call it a dwarf planet like they did Pluto I think....

 #37349  by Melissa
I remember they said in 2000 all the computers will turn off, planes will crash from the sky, no fuel and energy..

I think alot of the public is to blame, they escalate problems..

I mean there were fuel strikes here the other week and because they thought no food would get delivered one woman went out to a local super market and bought 30 loafs of bread.. stupid selfish idiot.

Its our fault, the public are panic merchants..

 #37352  by Melissa
DarkLink wrote:I've been hearing about planet X for awhile... although not the way rav described it.... It was supposedly going to be this new planet added to the solar system... but they decided to call it a dwarf planet like they did Pluto I think....
Eris is the dwaft planet as is now pluto there is also one between Mars and Jupiter but I cannot remember its name

Although there is assumed to be 100s of planets beyond eris, unfortunateley the light from the sun doesn't allow us to be able to see it, it is thought that there is a gas giant larger than Jupiter beyond eris.. and it would take 25000 light years to clear our system into Alpha centuri.

 #37353  by DarkLink
I thought it was 2,500 ly O.o

Edit: The galaxy is 100,000 ly across... so 1/4 of this galaxy is the closest star? must have been a typo >.>

 #37354  by Cross
I say we drink and party at 2012 8)

 #37359  by Zabuza
If u twits read the bible ,it says that only God knows when jesus will return to earth(witch isnt the end of the world) there'll be a 7 year tribulation. The first 3 and half years will be good. THe other 3 and a half will be total chaos thus the ending of the world and when all the angels and jesus will rule the earth for 1000 years. After the 1000 years all the unsaved bodies and souls will be judged and casted into hell.

go to church please ^_^
Last edited by Zabuza on Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #37361  by Richard

Sorry to strech the board

but into perspective of our existance

this amazes me, we are a mere set of habitable conditions within 1000s and billions of stars.

I find it very plausible to suggest that other life exists out there, yet better or not than ours given the distance and technology, contact seems pretty much impossible even if it were the nearest star.

However I think at this level of significance, I think the only thing to end the world is 2012 is our own doing..

We will kill ourselves before Nature does

 #37362  by Richard
Zabuza wrote:If u twits read the bible ,it says that only God knows when jesus will return to earth(witch isnt the end of the world) there'll be a 7 year tribulation. The first 3 and half years will be good. THe other 3 and a half will be total chaos thus the ending of the world and when all the angels and jesus will rule the earth for 1000 years. After the 1000 years all the unsaved bodies will be judged and casted into hell.

go to church please ^_^[/u]
Stating your belives is all and fine

But you must be careful not to preach or pass judgement.

 #37364  by RaVeN
Zabuza wrote:if u twits read the bible ,it says that only GOD knows when jesus will return to earth(witch isnt the end of the world) there'll be a 7 year thingy and the first 3 and half years will be good. the other 3 and a half will be total chaos thus the ending of the world and when all the angels and jesus will rule the earth for 1000 years

go to church please ^_^
Hope ur not talking to us. Most dont believe Jesus is coming back. Only the church crazies that see these videos and instead of thinking that it is just scienice or physics, they think it is god.

So they are the twits. The others...not so much.

Also if you don't believe in the bible, like myself, then none of this applies.

 #37366  by Richard
Very good point RaVen

I think here in though becomes the conflict which will always divide subjects like this

Big bang and Darwins Theory VS God and 7 days..

Oh apparently... when you hear static on the radio??? thats aftermath noise from teh big bang they are seeming to think now.. Freaky if true no?

 #37369  by RaVeN
Richard wrote:Very good point RaVen

I think here in though becomes the conflict which will always divide subjects like this

Big bang and Darwins Theory VS God and 7 days..

Oh apparently... when you hear static on the radio??? thats aftermath noise from teh big bang they are seeming to think now.. Freaky if true no?
Correct. But I've stopped aruging with creationists as all should. once you believe something than no one person is really going to change your mind (this goes both ways). Only people I debate with now are...well i guess the others whatever term that is (not talking just about Darwinists as there are some that believe in god, like myself again, but do not believe in the bible or creationism)

All shades of gray, which is healthy
Last edited by RaVeN on Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #37371  by Darfin
I agree with everything Ra ra has posted so far.
Watch some George Carlin. (R.I.P.)

Sorry, it's harsh, I respect other peoples religions, don't mean to use it for flaming at all, but pretty much everything this guy said ^

 #37374  by DarkLink
My question is: Why can't the Darwin theory and 7 day theory fit together? 7 days is obviously a metaphor... And darwin's theory could by the "how" and the 7 day theory/God can be the "why"... Also would like to point out I'm catholic to avoid any "OMG HE HATES THE CHURCH KILL HEEEM!" stuff...

Also, this is getting off topic... we went from the end of the world to its beginning...

 #37387  by Zabuza
w/e, believe what you want to believe :?

 #37393  by Cross
I believe in mudkipz. 8)

 #37425  by DarkLink
KYP wrote:I believe in mudkipz. 8)
/b/ and 4chan will ruin your life o.o