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-[KR]- Map
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 9:58 am
by Shaka
Hi everybody!
Let me introduce myself...
I'm a French mapper and jka player for years, I belong to the clan RÐH clan (a French clan)
I've recently make a map for JKA which name is Lost Temple that you can find in ( URL:;90015)
On Wednesdays, I've received a mail of one of your member (or admin dunno ) witch asked if I could make a map for your clan.
We have discussed in msn about this idea and finally we were ok to make in map in a yavin style, with a medium size (ffa3 size for example), with duel rooms, bar and a place were people are spawn (like in The Academy V2).
And that's the reason of this message... I would like members to tell me about what they want (don't want to big, I won't make it ^^) and if possible, to post links or screen of their idea (you can also post a link to another map to show me what kind of map you want)
I'll begin this map when my ideas begin more precise and that's why I want you to show me your plans.
I'll post all screen of the map over there.
Well that's all for now, please answer to me that I can begin the map
Ps: please use a simple English because it's not my native language...
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:18 am
by Akimoto
a french mapper o.o
-Torture chamber
-Sacrifice Chamber
-Tombs in the graveyard with KR names! ex. ''Akimoto'' , ''Phoenix'' or ''NinjaSarah'' - tombs with -[KR]- would be so ... common !
-Council Chamber
-Advanced Duelling chambers (pillars, pits, whatever that makes duelling more challenging)
-Main Room!
-Duelling Room
-Trial Room
-Secret hideouts under council chair! No one would ever think of looking! :p
Additional notes: Please do not add npcs or many fx triggers! Adding a npc spawn button will result in abuse of it and lag!
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:26 am
by Shaka
Akimoto wrote:
-Torture chamber
-Sacrifice Chamber
-Tombs in the graveyard with KR names! ex. ''Akimoto'' , ''Phoenix'' or ''NinjaSarah'' - tombs with -[KR]- would be so ... common !
-Council Chamber
-Advanced Duelling chambers (pillars, pits, whatever that makes duelling more challenging)
-Main Room!
-Duelling Room
-Trial Room
-Secret hideouts under council chair! No one would ever think of looking! :p
Well that makes a lot of rooms, I'll see which ideas I will do in the map, waiting for other suggestions
Ps: The name of the player somewhere in the map isn't always a good idea... New recruits, people come and leave in the clan... I'll see anyway, thanks for your ideas

PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 12:03 pm
by Delev
Akimoto wrote:a french mapper o.o
-Torture chamber
-Sacrifice Chamber
-Tombs in the graveyard
I dont think we need that stuff >.>
We don't need a prison because i dont think the council would approve of us putting it on kr1, because seeing that it is a downloadable map, not everyone would have the map, and therefore hassles and things would happen, etc. The only reason wed need a prison for would be for lamers.
And a torture chamber and sacrifice chamber is just going a little overboard. But a graveyard would be nice. Maybe one of the graves could have a secret passageway, seeing that so many people in our clan like finding secrets *COUGH* DARKLINK *COUGH*
Though it would be nice if we could have bedrooms, seeing that when zab was doing the 2nd jedicouncilgcx mod (i just recently found out someone else had modded it earlier for our clan), everyone wanted a bedroom.
But. that's just my opinion.
All Rights Reserved.
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 1:08 pm
by Falcon
sounds cool i think
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 2:31 pm
by Kakashi.Archive
Make something to kill Delev in, the whole world goes round after that XD...
Jk bud
Also Aki if u set it that only one thing can be spawned at a time it wouldnt be such a bad thing ^^
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 3:19 pm
by Kenshin
i like akis ideas. ( and can these rooms have lockes which can only be opened and locked form the inside ( i.e trial rooms, so we dont get disturbed during a trial?.)
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 3:30 pm
by Delev
I was thinking about having a club room, a secret in the graveyard by hitting ENTER on one of thegraves. we could also have an indoor swimming area, and have a secret there that leads to the council room like the secret in the jedi home v2.
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 4:11 pm
by Zabuza
On Wednesdays, I've received a mail of one of your member (or admin dunno ) witch asked if I could make a map for your clan.
that would be me lol and academy v3 not academy v2
me,del,and snipers ideas:
1.merge the bar and club together but still use the cemtary passage thingy.
2.a plague or something that says thanx to Shaka. in main room
3.Snipers idea: a paintball court outside but we use sniper rifles instead
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 4:40 pm
by Darko
Delev a prison would be a good idea.
Which it is.
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 4:40 pm
by DarkLink
Could you add some secrets (like teleportations, secrets doors, stuff like that) because as Delev said earlier i love to find secrets and they keep me entertained with a map

PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 4:43 pm
by Darko
This guys nice enough to make us a map,
dont ask for a ton of stuff that will make his life hard
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 5:28 pm
by Shaka
Darko wrote:This guys nice enough to make us a map,
dont ask for a ton of stuff that will make his life hard
Thanks you darko ^^'
Well if I resume the main idea that looks realizable
- A club / bar
- A courtyard were people are spawn, I will probably add think (dunno the word

) with -[KR]- or something like that
- Some duels rooms with some with special things
- A graveyard (maybe a secret or the starting of the secret)
- A large area for sniping (like acedemy v2 I think)
- Maybe an admin room...
Last question before beginning the map : You want a day map? a night map? a twilight map?
After that I think I will begin the map and starting posting screen

PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 5:38 pm
by Zabuza
i vote for twilight and if still wanted screenies here they are =/:

a little fountain thingy.


council room maybe with some locks.

make one of these for yourself for making the map.

.............. lol

club merged with the bar accessed by cemetary or whatever. add anything u like to it

meeting place for kr
just if you wanted to look

PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 7:11 pm
by FlapJack23
It would be nice for the private/advanced dueling room, to have one with really thin walkways like the ones that are on the current map (ffa5?).
Thanks for working on this by the way!
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 7:36 pm
by NinjaSarah
0-0 This looks like a wonderful idea! I vote for a night map
Oh.. this is a ridiculous idea but could you add a forest? I think it would be fun for duels or Hide-and-Seek if we get bored.. ^^" I mean, if it's at all hard then you don't have to, I don't want to make things difficult for you at all.
We really appreciate you making a map for us

You're very generous. ^^
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:21 pm
by Delev
o.o *stares at sarah's siggies* o.o
*cough wheeze hack*
yes, thanks for taking the time to make a map for us =D
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:30 pm
by Zabuza
thx, we appreciate it
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:44 pm
by RoNin
There should not be a prison for any reason period.
Rest looks fine secret grave yard sounds cool. The bar/club sounds like a fun idea.
Don't worry about making something too extravigant because we like to allow people that have even poor computers enjoy our server.
Thank you for making this for us.

By chance would you happen to know a skinner or modeler? No worries if you don't.
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:46 pm
by Zabuza
i can skin...
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 10:51 pm
by RoNin
Well I posted requests in the skin section of the forum and waited for weeks so i figured we didnt have any.
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 11:16 pm
by Zabuza
ill do it!
PostPosted:Fri May 23, 2008 11:36 pm
by RoNin
PostPosted:Sat May 24, 2008 4:32 am
by Akimoto
No thanks to secrets, unless it isnt really a secret... though it would be fun if you could make rooms under all graves (basicly a grave without a coffin) so people could go 'AFK' or something ><
PostPosted:Sat May 24, 2008 9:12 am
by Shaka
Ok I think know I've got a quite good idea of the kind of map you want...
I'll do my best to make fun things and some quite nice rooms.
I'll begin this week end I think.
Can other poeple tell me if you prefer a day/twilight/night map that I can add a correct sky
I'll post screen regularly, be patient now cause mapping takes long time