Richard wrote:RaVeN wrote:
I mean i know WHY, but seriously...why
Now I will have nightmares...
thank you youtube and europe.
(as a side note I think that judge looks totally rad...wig and all)
It is the result of brilliant advertising and Marketing thats why.
The shock method has had a degree of success, you will never get rid of idiots on teh road but it does make people think.
Your thinking about it is proof its worked. As thats the aim.
Ps you should be careful tarnishing Europeans on the same note. If Brazil released an advert I wouldnt question All Americans on it. (I am Half American and wouldnt want to be thought of like that even though most people wouldnt realsie I was anyway). I just thought that was a very odd thing to say.
Well duh!, I already know "why"
I'm asking more like rhetoorical question (thanks chan!) “why?”, like an actor on stage asking the audience “Why?!” knowing that he/she won’t get a response back.
I didn’t mean to “tarnishing Europeans” with this post either. least seriously.
We short of have this thing of poking fun back and forth across the pond of the differences in KR. We are an international clan and it is said that the best way to deal with differences is through comedy.
I like to take the piss (<- *nods* ) out of the Euros every now and then, and they do the same to me.
I sure hope this didn’t offend anybody.
It’s all meant in good fun and good humor.
…except that video of course…that video was terrible