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Vista Voice program thingey

PostPosted:Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:56 pm
by Akimoto
I found this interesting program on Vista that allows the user to use voice commands... Unfortenly it is highly unaccurate. BUT i found a fun way to use it!

"And that having an stroke in and out why it has it highlighted on the citron and a whole is checked of the same half goal is quality of the time of the customer that the rough seas of Otto always enough to turn over the status as I'll I then I've ever uses a laser and almost totally on the news when it rises to the approval of a falsehood when golf hall"

funny as sh*t lol!


"That are And I have and have a moment and cases have your ranger us your opinion of the house and is a man and
he wants is a very easy thing we're just not stand the heat from computer screens and we're making the
interaction between its only once in a letter or E: Z now you want only mind, that means that each of
wivetheithe 20 marks and also been around and do you want her homeland knight and bring, arrives in
stores and I'd like for my eyes are aware of the kind you can just one day I too have a daughter Mrs. Martin
wonderful Israeli or any way insurance runs, Motorola riders and bus and contracts in and near Selma
and dinner day and we're together until I was thinking is in line with its previous decides that the
Internet has made and we want to leave her notes appears you saw simpson's first time o ensure that
the child has grown forward this week straight advance returned from the original home runs as the ones
Citizens and ran for another couple of months to work for them to avoid the government's home, he is your grandmother
As a matter of Notre dame has been busy at her house and high in general and more convenient to not run on the ground
room of them have closed and return for more than 5% during her mom when the third and mature plants this is my place
once you let him know we live in harmony and my mom had the right players and in team in your name and phone lines
and celebrate you can hear again when parents and his band is our pen and Lisa Hartman together will drive across America
your time we are right where we need the company began on a reminder of the house and runs and homers and drove to have fun
and resigned from his home town house on that one would have gone around $1.00 < and 5.14 earned runs and she had to learn
and remember where fortunes, and certain number one for one thing in the mountains and and there are literally a owner
room service wonderland run out and sent home and read the script for men, women sleep there be an active effort
to write and I can see the received a number of healing and may company is run drilling into family from a sign
on to the freedom that comes with Linda monumental home planet anyway one thing in my heavens drove home,
that has ever heard noises Mrs had been keeping an open markers tire and one she's paying interest on the home,
and some of them to have the house and one for 2 hours and more warmth and fans spent some time and in this
institution among five million dollar round in return the first and had thousands in to give them more time and"

It all makes sense to me now! ITS WORDS FROM GOD!