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Orange is a writer? ZOMGNOWAI!

PostPosted:Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:40 pm
by Orange
The preview for the story I'm working on. Enjoy :)


6:23 AM

The air was crisp and the sky was a golden as the sun started to rise. As Lance Corporal Harold surveyed the horizon for any signs of the enemy, he was actually at ease. A few months ago he had been shipped out to the far reaches of the plant and using hit and run tactics. Finally he was given a chance to face his enemy and he felt proud. Suddenly that proudness turned into sheer willingness to survive as a mortar round went off 10 yards west of his current position. As he ducked for shelter, as more were to come, and saw over the hills an enemy in which he had thought...

...and that's about as much time Lance Corporal Harold had to think.

10:11 PM

He ran for his life. All he could do is run. His comrades had fallen and he was facing an enemy with thousands more to spare. He used his combat adrenaline to his advantage; sprinting through the jungle and taking covering from enemy fire and the debris that they caused. He came to a clearing that made him hesitant as to cross it or not. With the enemy close at hand, he had no time to really decide. Sucking up the bad feeling in his gut, he dashed across the clearing as though it had been made of fire. Jumping into the air and then rolling into the bushes on the other side, he stood up and laughed. He couldn't really understand why he laughed. As of that moment he was surrounded by an enemy that had enough weapon fire-power pointed at him that they could drill a hole to the center of the planet at his feet. He kept laughing. With his last reserves of energy he managed the statement "I'm the last left, and when I die we have lost, but I am taking as many of you to hell as possible!"

When finishing the last sentence he would ever make, he tossed two fragmentation grenades into the crowd that stood at arms against him...and charged...


I hope you all enjoy my vagueness, but I have a reason for it. I don't want to spoil anything.

Take your time in guessing as to which side each of the people I tell about are on :lol:

PostPosted:Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:51 pm
by saunby
I like it! :)

And look foward to the rest =]

PostPosted:Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:40 pm
by Greed
Good story man.... finish it and itz good!!!!

PostPosted:Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:14 am
by Orange
Gosh. I'm making this like a Novel :lol:

Sorry for the delay. Life's a drag, so I only really have weekends to work on it (for the select few actually interested).

PostPosted:Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:00 pm
by Greed
Just by reading the beginning i can tell that its gonna be LOOOOOOOOOONG! but I'll read it NE ways if its published