Um, i might have a solution. Oh, and first off, don't bother with a no-cd patch, JA uses some kind of protection that causes the game to disconnect with an error message when u use one. I find this kind of funny since u can just burn copies of the disc. Why did they put that protection on it instead of a burn-protection on it (hell, me and half my friends all use copies of JA (or copies of copies) that were all made of an original which belonged to Banshee).
Anyway, back on topic now. By using a program called Daemon Tools, u can mount an iso image as a virtual cd drive. This is handy because u also never have to bother with putting the cd in anymore (which is why i use this). Anyway, if u have JA installed already, then u can just use a mini image of it with Daemon Tools to run JA. I have another program that is able to take an iso and create a mini image of it. The mini image is only about 22 mb in size, but when mounted will create a dummy image of the full cd. If u have a good internet connection (in other words, not dial-up), i could send u the mini image and Daemon Tools and u could see if that works.