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'Tis the season to be naughty!

PostPosted:Fri Dec 06, 2024 3:20 pm
by koRn
Just a bunch of scripts I tweaked from when I was aiming to be as annoying and lazy as humanly possible. Stick it all in a .cfg and if it's going wrong reload or just execute it again once you have your binds set up.

// Switching between lightsaber, melee and back (the most annoying thing in FFA):

set meleeswitch "weapprev;wait 2;weapnext"

// Change between two stances for single as opposed to having to go through all three:

set skipStance "vstr noSkip"
set Skip "saberAttackCycle;wait 100;saberAttackCycle;set stance vstr noSkip"
set noSkip "saberAttackCycle;set stance vstr Skip"

// A substitute for /kill because it auto-respawns you instantly rather than having to click again:

set suicide "wait 5;kill;wait 200;+attack;wait 55;-attack"

// Taunting in blue stance, can get very noisy:

set bluetaunt "taunt;+altattack;wait 2;-altattack"

// Shiny custom model, with and without a saber change:

set shiny "model jedi_hm/head_c1|torso_na|lower_na"
set shiny2 "vstr shiny;wait 250;saber jpsg14 jpsg14"

// Rename and disconnect, quit or go to another server (change IP:PORT for that last one):

set exit1 "set name Padawan;wait 5;disconnect"
set exit2 "set name Padawan;wait 5;quit"
set exit3 "set name Padawan;wait 5;connect"


1. These were all made or modified when using a com_maxFPS of 125, so if you use a different FPS setting the waits may need adjusting.

2. For the stance skipping, the 'skipStance' is the main VSTR, and it does not operate on a specific pair of stances, so you would need to set that up as you either start in blue, or end up in a red stance when changing sabers (i.e. from staff or duals).

3. I do not personally use any of these apart from the occasional use of the 'suicide' script if I want to see how many times I can /kill within a certain amount of time when I'm feeling bored and lazy.